unetbootin fork
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hi i made a fork of unetbootin that replaces the non-free distros you can download
with all the distros here:
the reason why i made this was unetbootin is not included in trisquel as
it makes it very easy to install a non-free distro like Ubuntu etc
so hopefully unetbootin can now be in tirsquel
here is a list of the distros i included in it:
Trisquel mini
Debian(i know i know just keep reading)
as you may of noticed Debian is in that list
and this is the main reason why i am posting this
should Debian be included?
its completely libre by default
heres the source code
i already compiled it for x86_64
so if anyone has a 64-bit computer
you can just run the binarys
Anhang | Größe |
unetbootin-source.tar.bz2 | 1.03 MB |
Thank you very much, tom!
Hmm i think Debian should only be listed with some kind of warning or something.... not to use the non-free repos i mean.
what warning message should i put?
i made a test warning:

I second this.
Good work, but I wanted to point out some minor spelling/grammar mistakes in the warning message:
completely is spelled wrong
Debian should be capitalized
if should also be capitalized since it is the first word of a sentence.
don't should have an apostrophe (or make it "do not")
You would have to make a package helper to submit it to Trisquel.
nice tom! +1
Probably it would be best to just not list Debian; it's too easy for someone to misread the recommendation of "Debian without non-free" as just "Debian". Someone who really wants Debian can just install it with their own ISO, anyway.
It is a better idea not to list Debian. Also, make sure it is “GNU/Linux” and not just “Linux”.
You can also remove the distribution list entirely from UNetbootin, it won't be missed…
Does anyone know how to make Windows/Mac versions?
For Windows, it can be cross-compiled pretty easily (there are mingw cross compiler packages in the repos)
Last time I checked, it was pretty difficult to cross-compile for Mac.
I do hope that this is done, unetbootin was my ticket to freedom from those platforms.
I personally wouldn't include Debian.
i have removed Debian here is the new version
if anyone wants debian to be included then tell me and ill
give you a version with debian
but dose anyone know how i could give this the trisquel developers?
in a previous comment legiment said "You would have to make a package helper to submit it to Trisquel."
how would i do this?
would i need to compile it into a deb file?
Anhang | Größe |
unetbootin-source.tar.bz2 | 1.02 MB |
FYI, it seems like you're making a new FUSBi... [1]
That project hasn't been maintained since 2008, though. It's probably better to have a Trisquelized unetbootin which just presents the approved list of distros, which can be accomplished with a package helper (as has been suggested in this thread already).
I think you had better stick to the FSF recommended distros if you want them to include your fork in their repositories. If you distribute it from a website, you could ask for a link on https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html too.
i have since changed the list to these distros:
Trisquel mini
Nice work Tom.
I think the "Download the distro through the programme" thing should be done away with. I don't see the pointof it, personally.
i use it sometimes its convenient if you need a os on you usb stick
and you don’t have the iso file already
Personally, I always download the ISO from outside Unetbootin, for fear of Unetbootin downloading an out-of-date version.
That's just me, huh?
i guess as i put the links in the source code myself
i have more confidence that it wont be out of date
but i do intend to update the program when new updates come out
i will probably make a
website or gitorios page for it
here is the website:
You should get it into Trisquel. Make a package helper, and submit a merge request to the git repository.
i am currently doing this
but i was having a few problems with making a git repo
with https so i will try with ssh tomorrow(sleep)
"but dose anyone know how i could give this the trisquel developers?
Request on account for https://devel.trisquel.info/groups/trisquel and start working.
You can sign up here: https://devel.trisquel.info/users/sign_up
Was this program included in the Trisquel repos, after all?
(Tom, when you have the time, I suggest you host the source code for all your programs on NotaBug.org :)
i have done so:
also with this project aswell:
If anyone made Windows/Mac executables, please share
Thanks for your work Tom
Yes. I second this.
i am trying to make the executable's now(on gnu/linux using only libre software)
but i dont know how easy it is to compile for o$x on gnu/linux
i am currently trying window$ though
Last time I checked, it was impossible to compile stuff for OS X without nonfree software. For Windows, it's possible.
dose anyone know how to interpret make-files with mingw?
or must you write your own make-files from scratch?
Unetbootin uses Qt and qmake, so see http://silmor.de/qtstuff.cross.php
You will need to cross compile Qt first.
Hi Tom,
A big salute to you for liberating unetbootin and contributing it to the free software community.
By the way, I am not seeing GuixSD in this list.
Was that intentionally excluded because it is not yet production-ready / in alpha version?
And is it possible to include libre Embedded GNU/Linux Distros like libreCMC GNU/Linux and LibreWRT GNU/Linux in the liberated unetbootin program?
i can try to add Guix sd to the list but
i think as Librecmc are just designed for routers
the only binary’s i could find on the site were for specific models of routers
so i don’t think its designed to be run on anything that can boot from a usb stick at least yet
dose anyone know how to convert the guix images in a the is format?
guix image:
Hi Tom,
You can connect to #guix channel in the Freenode IRC network, which is set up for GuixSD users and developers and post your question.
Alternatively, I will send a mail to Ludovic Courtes, who had a presentation at FOSDEM 2015 on GuixSD, with your particular requirement.
Please Keep in touch.
[Wrong post; sorry :(]
If memory serves, you need to extract that .xz file-- inside of it is a .linux-x86 file, which is supposed to be dd'd to a USB or CD.
i was planning to do that in unetbootin
but i think it would require me using the dd program
and as window$/o$x
dose not have gnu core-utils(to my knowledge)
it would be unportable so making it a iso file would just make things a lot simpler
but anyway i will ask on #guix
LibreCMC and LibreWRT are mainly for routers and embedded systems, and you wouldn't install them using a CD or flash drive.
Hi Legimet,
That means libre unetbootin(just for the sake of a name) is only meant for fully free GNU/Linux distributions that are installable to a computer's hard drive/Solid-state drive(SSD), right?
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