What games do you play on your computers
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Most FG videos do not show the full quality.
Scroll down. Search for "Flightgear ALS weather" in Google, too. And check previous thread posts.
Wow, this is gorgeous. How free is this game?
GPLv2 http://wiki.flightgear.org/GNU_General_Public_License . And the data is freely shareable.
But beware.
Full aircraft setup ~8gb
Full world scenery: ~90gb
Altough you can download the scenery you'd like with http://wiki.flightgear.org/TerraMaster and well, with just Europe, Japan and the west coast of the US you can do it with 40-50GB.
And by activating Terrasync, if you just fly between 4-5 countries... you are fine with less than 10gb.
If you care about the settings:
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G630 @ 2.70GHz
Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Desktop
4GB of RAM
it looks like this at 1280x800, 15-20FPS, all shaders enabled.
Note this is Paris, a taxing environment. Most of the time I have 30-40 FPS.
Back in the day I played the game with a GeForce2 with the
absolute lowest settings at 800x600.
Now I think you could play it really well at medium settings at 1024x760 with the ThinkPenguin's machine with
the nouveau drivers and an updated kernel + MESA.
I downloaded the game from PlayDEB. Just enable the repo, install the game and disable it if you are afraid of some non-free (literally <1% games, I think there are just 1 or 2 non-libre ones, one of them is Urban Terror)

It is free software. It is in Trisquel's repository.
(This is a response to a comment on the last page linking to a bunch of FlightGear screenshots. I don't understand why it's being positioned below Magic Banana's post.)
This is a modern proprietary flight simulator called X-Plane:
FlightGear isn't as far behind here as, say, Xonotic is behind other first-person shooters, but it looks to me like that's because the level where it's pointless to make the graphics much better was reached a long time ago. See this video, for example:
None of the FlightGear screenshots in the threads you linked to look substantially better than this, if better at all. The game shown in this video is from 2006.
FSX uses custom scenery, which has better quality (not as geometry, but better enviroments). Graphically, since FLightgear 3.0 you can use the new Renbrandt renderer and is on par with FSX.
Of course you should activate Terrasync, increase a lot the default draw and quality distance and have a LOT of RAM to load those graphics. 16gb and a powerful Intel graphics card or a *very* well supported nouveau card with current MESA and kernel drivers.
Seriously, Flightgear can be *very* taxing, as much as X-Plane and more.
The Shuttle, low orbit.
Custom airport models
And look the image: those clouds are automatically generated from the *actual* real world weather from METAR.
FG is just awesome, it has modules to connect even with ADB-S and GNURadio. And maybe you can see your real time position in the latest Marble , but I have to check the its KML support .
"Search for "Flightgear ALS weather" in Google, too"
preferably not using Google!
*it looks like i am replying to onpon4 but i am replying to a comment much further up!
domintion (risk board game)
super tux
Also, I play OpenMW. There is work being done on something called Ashes of Apocalypse, which if everything works out will be a free (libre) game that runs on that engine.
I've heard of AotA- it isn't even finished for the regular Morrowind engine,
let alone OpenMW. Isn't it a Fallout-type thing?
Yes, it looks similar to Fallout. Even if it's unfinished, if we can manage to free it, I think what has been done will still be fun to play.
I play Star Wars Galaxies through SWGEmu. The server code is being reverse engineered and is AGPL but the client code is still closed source. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned it already, since there's not a lot of mmorpgs that are even partially open source. It runs fine on Trisquel through Wine. I can actually move the directory onto a flash drive and play it on any computer that has Wine.
There's an MMORPG engine called Mana, and there are a few games based around this engine. The original one is "The Mana World", but you can find a few more listed by ManaPlus.
I play confirming international messaging eg. ci ci's cloud plane writing pizza tv commercial then when spoken aloud to "the watchers." infiniti blind "test" (social science term?) confirms the Spanish "culture" inclusion upgrade to wild otherly tech with trisquel and father son clouds Saskatoon sk all starting va communications via redmatrix/hubzilla the-federation.info .
English please.
http://es.lichess.org/ good online chess
SaaSS alert.
This uses non-free libraries and third-party services: Disqus, Google Analytics, Highcharts. I heard reCAPTCHA was in the works too.
What about games with Non-Free Content like Doom, But have Free software engines? Do you play these games? Does RMS and the Trisquel Forums Support Libre game engines with non-Libre game content?
I try to only play libre games, but sometimes I play nonfree games if they run on free software.
- Morrowind (OpenMW)
- Tyrian (OpenTyrian)
- Tales of Maj'Eyal
- Frogatto
- Zelda: Mystery of Solarus
ha! frogatto!! :)
I played it a year ago or something more. Beautiful game. I never finished it. Too bad it is not free :(
i personally would play doom for example with the non-free media
as although i think people should be able to redistribute it (especially considering its age)
it would not help anyone by me not using the non-free media and its fun to play doom
software is different as it can actively impose its own restrictions on you if its non-free
and if you don’t have the source code its a privacy/security/freedom nightmare
if there was media that could impose its own restrictions on me and i could not fix this then i would not use it
Try the FreeDoom WAD from its home page ( Version >0.9). Then find the Community Chest 4 PWAD.
You'll love it.
What do you have to think about this
And i'm sorry that i keep making this stupid mistake of replicating my posts!
rms and the FSF have no problem, as far as I know, with non-free assets as long
as the software is free. As for this forum, opinions vary. Personally, I have
no problem with non-free assets used with free software. I play OpenMW.
Respectfully, Adonay.
Have a nice day.
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use o LibreOffice(https://www.libreoffice.org/) e seus formatos do
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Automatic signature – North American English:
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iWork's files. Please use LibreOffice (https://www.libreoffice.org/)
and its formats from the ODF standard (.odt, .odp, etc).
Hi, I love playing games. But I have a problem, some game runs with low fps like Nexuiz, cuz fully libre systems just not enough for playing some games. My fully libre laptops are Macbooks 2,1. So, for play some games I must to use my not fully libre systems like: i5 3570k 4000hd, i7 3840QM 4000hd. Here no libre BIOS/UEFI/EFI and all backdoored CPUs.
Someone using emulators like PCSX?
i cant think of a libre game i cant run on my x200
also if you want rely powerful PC than can run libreboot:
I play Tile World. It’s available in Trisquel’s repositories.
You move the character with the arrow keys. The objective is to reach the goal of each level. Doing so involves finding your way through mazes, dodging monsters and solving puzzles. Each level consists of a grid of 32×32 tiles. There is a fixed set of different tiles, all with different characteristics. Many people have made their own levels and shared them online.
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