
TypBeitragAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
Forum TopicShare Your Desktop! 2 Mangy Dog107vor 8 Jahre 27 Wochen
Forum Topic[POLL] What is your preferred desktop environment of Trisquel 8 ? akfoss111vor 8 Jahre 32 Wochen
Forum TopicWhat DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8? lap4fsf91vor 8 Jahre 39 Wochen
Forum TopicSaying Good-bye to Windows grimlok19vor 8 Jahre 39 Wochen
Forum TopicAnother free engine of a commercial Game: Serious Sam commodore25610vor 8 Jahre 41 Wochen
Forum TopicHow do i bind the windows(super) key to bring up the taskbar? Embracer24518vor 8 Jahre 41 Wochen
Forum TopicMicrosoft to patent convergence t3g2vor 8 Jahre 42 Wochen
Forum TopicQuestion about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops 8bitDev40vor 8 Jahre 44 Wochen
Forum TopicDoes my PC supports Libreboot? Megver839vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicThe Gaming Trap onpon461vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicFirst they came for the Windows 7 users... grimlok20vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum Topic100% Open Source Hardware & 100% Open Source Software oshirowanen38vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicHaving trouble accessing my hdd Embracer24515vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum Topichelp i can't get any of my programs to work atomtrade9vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicFSF Vision Survey | The Free Software Foundation needs your feedback. Their vision survey is up until the end of January. pizzaiolo26vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicGood news, Linux-Libre 4.4 éradicated blobs Megver8312vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicLibre Games that can work with a xbox 360 controller Embracer2459vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicMicrosoft wants you to train you in using Linux t3g38vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum Topic AMD's 2016 Linux Driver Plans & GPU Open Source tonlee31vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicDoom/Doom II on Trisquel Embracer24544vor 8 Jahre 46 Wochen
Forum TopicWhat was the first distro you used Embracer24548vor 8 Jahre 49 Wochen
Forum TopicSome question about libreboot & new laptop for my birthday Embracer24519vor 8 Jahre 49 Wochen
Forum TopicWas there any time where you had to use non-free (as in freedom) operating systems in any way? Embracer24516vor 8 Jahre 50 Wochen
Forum TopicGoogle Chrome Davide07vor 8 Jahre 50 Wochen
Forum TopicAnyone running OS/2? deavmi2vor 8 Jahre 50 Wochen