
TypBeitragAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
Forum TopicConnecting an EPSON Workforce WF 3640 Printer to Trisquel on Lenovo T400 Libreboot andrewandmelissao10vor 6 Jahre 36 Wochen
Forum TopicSpeed up boot process of Trisquel 8 GNUser36vor 6 Jahre 37 Wochen
Forum TopicGPS usb with GNU/Linux GNUser3vor 6 Jahre 38 Wochen
Forum TopicWant to play some games, best way to install (Trisquel 8) GNUser7vor 6 Jahre 38 Wochen
Forum Topicdownload mp4 file or execute javascript? GrevenGull20vor 6 Jahre 38 Wochen
Forum TopicPlay swf games in Trisquel 8 GNUser11vor 6 Jahre 39 Wochen
Forum TopicTrisquel 8 only provides the old 0AD v0.20 (2016) Hdesmi3vor 6 Jahre 39 Wochen
Forum TopicHow can I fix DNS leaks on Trisquel GNU/Linux? anonymous7vor 6 Jahre 40 Wochen
Forum TopicHas anybody in here successfully installed, configured and used the gnunet? GrevenGull10vor 6 Jahre 40 Wochen
Forum TopicSuperTuxKart complaining about OpenGL GNUser12vor 6 Jahre 40 Wochen
Forum TopicWhat preserves battery/CPU usage etc the most: screensaver or "putting display to sleep"? GrevenGull6vor 6 Jahre 41 Wochen
Forum TopicOffline voice commands GNUser5vor 6 Jahre 43 Wochen
Forum TopicWho of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux? gnunix106vor 7 Jahre 3 Wochen
Forum TopicPrivacy/Security services and software GNUser40vor 7 Jahre 5 Wochen
Forum TopicAny libre + uncensored 18+ tubes or forums? gd_scania38vor 7 Jahre 9 Wochen
Forum TopicDisk space issues calher5vor 7 Jahre 13 Wochen
Forum Topictrisquel 8 User08vor 7 Jahre 13 Wochen
Forum TopicNeed a daily reminder GNUser16vor 7 Jahre 15 Wochen
Forum TopicAudio issues and USB missing in Basic Linux (slackware 4) GNUser0vor 7 Jahre 22 Wochen
Forum TopicHave my laptop "serving internet" to other pcs... possible? GNUser3vor 7 Jahre 24 Wochen
Forum Topiccan a website see from which folder firefox uploads a file? GNUser7vor 7 Jahre 28 Wochen
Forum TopicHow to recover deleted files on a USB drive? Librelover4vor 7 Jahre 29 Wochen
Forum TopicCamera security at home with free software GNUser5vor 7 Jahre 29 Wochen
Forum TopicLibreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again libreleah73vor 7 Jahre 32 Wochen
Forum TopicHow to create a "ffalse lenght" for a video file? GNUser2vor 7 Jahre 36 Wochen