About Libreoffice Presentations
Greetings ladies and gentlemen:
I'm making a presentation using LibreOffice and there is a small inconvenience to that action; I'm afraid the room where the computer is located does not have libreoffice installed and I want to know if there is a method to make the thing work using, for example, the Firefox browser.
Please, don't suggest me exporting the file to PDF because I'm going to put videos there.
Thank you.
This is not related but in the sentence:
>>I want to know if there is a method to make the thing work
It is correct or perhaps the word "work" should have been "working"?
"work" is the correct usage.
A live CD/USB or https://www.libreoffice.org/download/portable-versions/ .
Do realise, though, that, as far as I know, unlike pictures, Videos are linked to rather than embedded (though you seem to be able to uncheck the "Insert as Link" thing when inserting the video)
Note that current versions of PowerPoint are able to read presentations made in LibreOffice Impress. Whether they'll look good and whether all the features you use are supported, that's harder to tell without testing; but at least you can be confident that it will basically work.
Dedoimedo said that MS-Word would complain about .odt (Writer, not Impress) files.
I've never teseted it myself, though, so any evidence that suggests otherwise are very welcome.
ODF has been supported in Microsoft Office since service pack 2 of the 2007 version. It wasn't very good with presentations as of the 2010 version, which is what I witnessed personally; the case I saw messed up the theme pretty badly. But yes, it is able to read them.
Ok, thank you all.
I think my best bet should be using the portable version of libreoffice.