Any torrent sites that do not require javascript?
I'm running Gnu Icecat in private mode, so Tor is running and so is LibreJS.
I cannot use any of the torrenting sites to search files or get the magnet link.
Anyone know of any sites that will work around that?
but that should not be...
I can use perfectly fine almost all the torrent sites without js in TorBB.
Not for me.
When I visit for example, I'm presented with a cloudflare captcha screen that I cannot pass, because there's no captcha given.
It's like this for a ton of sites, not just torrenting sites.
I think one of your problems is you're using IceCat and LibreJS. You shouldn't do that. You should use the Tor Browser Bundle. Go to the security settings and choose one of the security levels that disables JavaScript entirely.
It should be noted, though, that since you're not torrenting through Tor (as that is unsafe), finding torrent files through Tor probably isn't all that helpful except to get past censorship. It might even be slightly detrimental to your privacy because the use of Tor can raise suspicion about you.
That turns people who really need anonymity harder to spot though.
cloudflare has killed all the pleasure of my tor browsing experience :(
Just pasted the link in torbb and it took me straight there,no cloudflare and no captcha.
It's the only torrent search service I use.
Besides you can use search providers which use Searx (which is also free
software), like the following ones:
With these services, you can search for torrents using
"filetype:torrent" and "contains:torrent" (because one or another
works), for example:
filetype:torrent "free software free society"
contains:torrent "free software free society"
You could also try The Pirate Bay hidden service, which is http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/