Any Trisquel users on the Libreboot X60 have their keyboards turn off randomly?

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Joined: 12/24/2014

It probably only happens once every 1.5 months but still, my keyboard just seems to turn off. Trackpoint works fine! But there is no output from the keyboard at all. This does not seem to happen in other distros I tried on the Libreboot X60. I really can't tell what could cause it to happen, I just use this machine for a terminal and email and web stuff. I've not done any kind of tinkering with it or any keyboard settings. When I happens I generally either plug in a USB keyboard or reboot. Rebooting is the only thing that fixes it, currently. Could anyone help me here, please? Thanks for reading.

Joined: 03/12/2015

You can reach libreboot folks at the #libreboot IRC channel if need be.

Joined: 12/24/2014

How do you know it's a libreboot problem? Like I said it problem did not occur under other distros.

Joined: 12/31/2013

Yes, I don't believe this is a Libreboot issue. You mention you use your machine for terminal use, web and email. Does your symptoms only affect your terminal session by any chance? That is when it occurs can you still input via the keyboard to your browser etc. If it only affects your terminal session perhaps you inadvertently hit C-s (that is the CTRL key plus s). This is a bash command to suspend the output. If you then hit C-q this will resume output again to your terminal and you should see anything you may have typed while the output was suspended suddenly re-appear.

I too have a Libreboot X60s and do recall a similar issue when I first got the machine. I can't recall now if it was me inadvertently suspending bash or another cause. Suffice to say I no longer experience this issue. So if it is not a suspension of bash output perhaps you are running an older version of Libreboot.

What version of Libreboot are you running out of curiosity? I'm on the 20150208 release as I still run Trisquel 6. The latest release 20150518 removes the powertop scripts for Trisquel 6 as it is considered now obsolete. I intend to upgrade to Trisquel 7 at some point and then this latest libreboot release.

You should also look at this thread:

Hope this helps.

Joined: 12/24/2014

No, it happens in all applications. Not just the terminal.

I do not know what version I am running! I bought it running libreboot, and I remember a year ago I updated it a couple times but have not done so since. Is there a way for it to tell me what version it is?

Joined: 12/31/2013

To determine the version you're running:

Once you have you can look here in the release notes to see if the version you're running causes your issue and whether a later release resolved it.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

You could take a look at the end of dmesg's output right after the problem occurs (using your USB keyboard). There might be useful information.

Joined: 12/24/2014

Okay, though I'm not familiar with dmesg, what do I look for in it's output to find things related to the keyboard?

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

On the left of dmesg's output, messages are timestamped (in seconds) since the boot. So if the keyboard stopped responding less than 100s ago, just read dmesg's output bottom-up until the difference to the last time is 100.

Joined: 06/27/2015

interesting you say that, your post is making me feel like I'm in the twilight zone now. I'm not using libreboot x60, but it happened to me in windows yesterday, for the first time ever... keyboard just stopped working, I rebooted and it worked again. It totally baffled my mind.

And last night I couldn’t wake my trisquel monitor from suspend. and the kb became unresponsive. I unplugged it, the light went off and wouldn't come back on when plugged back in. The mouse would still get power if unplugged it in and out, but the kb wasn't. The mouse was also not waking the monitor.

I could hear the blog i was listening to still playing so the computer didn't crash, and the hardrive light was going at is usual intervals with journal. just the keyboard became unresponsive. The mouse wasn't waking the monitor either.

I had to wait for my pc timer to automatically shut off the pc and I was wondering if that was my issue. The fact i had used the shutdown command to power off after a certain time period. Because that has happened to me in other distros, where i use the shutdown command, but then manually go to shutdown the pc without cancelling the timer, and the shutdown process halts on me. I dunno, i'm just taking wild guesses. My other guess is i changed in compiz from 2x2 desktop to 1x1 without changing to 1 workspace from 4 in system settings.

Monitor is waking from suspend today np.

I apolgize for being offtopic, I don't mean to hijack your post. I'm a little in shock you posted this today, becauset i was dreaming all last night about my keyboard.. here is my paste. The pc shutdown at the time it was supposed to, but the only thing thing up to that in logs is in my paste, ending with about 150,000 lines of nouveau E[ PFIFO][0000:01:00.0] PBDMA0: ACQUIRE