Appelbaum on hardware on debian
One from the audience mentions a powerpc 64 computer. I do not get its name.
Appelbaum tells shortly on how he alters hardware he uses. Likely he cannot tell all his tricks. Because of his adversaries.
Thanks for this. Would you have a link to his keynote speech?
Hey thanks a lot for this!
On 08/23/2015 11:06 AM, name at domain wrote:
> One from the audience mentions a powerpc 64 computer. I do not get its
> name.
> Appelbaum tells shortly on how he alters hardware he uses. Likely he
> cannot tell all his tricks. Because of his adversaries.
the sponsors at the start seem weird...
why exactly do Google HP IBM and Valve sponsor debconf?
1.) Google uses a custom version of Ubuntu called Goobuntu at their offices:
2.) IBM ships Ubuntu on newer mainframe computers:
3.) Valve's SteamOS is based off of Debian. I believe the latest version is targeting Jessie:
His keynote speech:
Index of DebConf15 videos:
Thank you!
I was hoping someone would ask about his association with the Purism
project -- lists him as "Security, Privacy, and
Freedom Advisor" -- yet it's clear from
and posts here that Purism can't deliver the freedom respecting laptop
they promise.
I don't recall hearing anyone ask about Appelbaum's connection to Purism
in either:
If I missed something about Appelbaum's work with Purism, please do
point me to that.
This has always been something that has puzzled me. Purism has many issues and yet someone with the clout of Applebaum being involved just never gets pulled up.
I am still of the mind about Purism that they have good intentions but terrible communications and unrealistic goals.
Personally I think this looks bad on Applebaum. I've tried to refrain from criticizing him over it for a variety of reasons. One I didn't actually know if he really did take money from Todd and provide advisement early on.. but even if he did I'm not sure thats a crime in my book to begin with.
I did see confirmation that Applebaum is in fact advising Purism now (which is something that happened more recently and was not something that was happening from the beginning). Within the past few weeks I did find out more about what the story was behind this too.
I don't think he intended to lend credibility to Purism and I don't think he went in blind to Purism's inability to accomplish its supposed goals. Ultimately I'll continue to refrain from being overly critical of Applebaum, but at the same time, my view of him was a bit hard to diminish in the first place. I never put him on a pedestal and prior interactions prior to this (Purism) already reaffirmed my belief he's not perfect. None of us are.
Now there are some people I have gained a lot of respect for within the community. There are people holding themselves up to the standards I hold dear in addition to working for the free software foundation and/or related organizations. When I see people upholding those standards privately beyond the eyes of public knowledge that is something I respect a lot. There aren't many people like that.
Now there are a number of people on the forums I also have quite a bit of respect for as well. They may not be involved in any free software development project or participate in any real way. However they hold the same principles and live up to them. More so than many people doing the development even and/or promotion of these values.
Ultimately don't put anybody on too high of a pedestal as chances are if you do you'll only be disappointed the more you get to know them.
This goes for pretty much everyone in most fields. It is wise to never put anyone on a pedestal but merely look for inspiration from the good things they do.
It is somewhat like the advice that one should never meet their idols as will lead to disappointment when the flaws are presented.
> Personally I think this looks bad on Applebaum. I've tried to refrain
> from criticizing him over it for a variety of reasons. One I didn't
> actually know if he really did take money from Todd and provide
> advisement early on.. but even if he did I'm not sure thats a crime in
> my book to begin with.
Thanks for that feedback. I'd like to know more about why Appelbaum
would connect himself with Purism. If there's any more you can share,
I'm sure we'd love to read it.
I have no knowledge of Appelbaum prior to the Snowden revelations. My
understanding of Appelbaum's work is scarce, but as I understand it
Snowden trusts him, and he worked with Snowden to get journalists copies
of these top secret documents for review and publication. I don't know
if Appelbaum calls himself a journalist or not, but I am not trying to
exclude him from being one. In any event, I'm very grateful to all the
leakers and everyone who worked with them. I've benefited greatly from
their disclosures because I no longer have to explain to friends and
family what is theoretically possible in an attempt to get them to
believe their privacy is at risk and mass surveillance is real. I now
have documents nobody has doubted the veracity of to point to and say
"this is what they've already done".
Given this vague understanding of what Appelbaum might have done (I
leave plenty of room realizing I could be wrong in all of this), I
figure his main value in being listed as an advisor to Purism is
"lend[ing] credibility" as you said (after all, why tell the public he's
advising Purism if his advice is really all Purism needs from him?
Plenty of contractors work for organizations offering valued advice and
never get credit on the organization's website). Appelbaum could also
use his explanatory skill to endorse Purism (something I've not
seen/heard Appelbaum do; maybe that's because I'm not seeing the right
talks?). I find this troublesome given how Purism can't live up to their
Ordinarily, I'd ask about this of Appelbaum himself but I don't have an
email address for him.
from twitter name at domain
If you have documentation on Appelbaum's wrongdoings, you should write them. Appelbaum is hard on others and he must expect the same treatment. I have heard him talk about the german party linke in what could be positive terms. Linke has members from the ddr sed party. Members who have not distanced themselves from the ddr dictatorship. Appelbaum should know better and probably does. About what he makes public about computers, several times I have seen it verified by other tech people. I have no skills to verify his pieces of information.
Appelbaum doing something for purism for money, I have seen no documentation for that, I regard unlikely. If he wants to be devious, he probably have lots of more well paid options. Like many others, I find his purism involvement strange. He should know better.
He's publicly stated he is advising Purism. He did so in a tweet he made. As far as I know he has never stated anything about Purism or Todd though. He has said some things privately. For obvious reasons I'm not going to say what as I don't think he intended them to be public. It's up to him to make any statements one way or the other about what he thinks. I doubt given his advisement though he would. It would and he would probably see it as being inappropriate.
I forget what organization it is that has a policy of not revealing atrocities in war zones. The reason they do this is because they want those in power to *not feel threatened by them*. If they made those in power feel they were an adversary they'd not be able to do the work they do. It's a similar situation here.
I noticed that PureOS is a rebranded Trisquel with the Cinnamon desktop. For the longest time, many have advocated the use of Cinnamon or MATE as a replacement to the current desktop or at least offer an alternative ISO for Trisquel 7.
I've been in the MATE camp lately since it can mimic the pre Gnome 3 Trisquel (4.0 and 4.5) which was simply gorgeous. With the Ubuntu MATE distro now official as of the 15.04 release, that means that the MATE packages will have full support from here on and Trisquel 8 and above will benefit.
Cinnamon + Trisquel is actually a pretty good combination potentially. Presuming you don't break easy-upgrading Cinnamon provides an easy to use free software friendly solution. Better in some respects than what we have with pure Trisquel.
That said while I don't recall the specifics I do remember Rubén had good reasons when he went the route he did. I believe I talked to him about it at the last Libre Planet. There was also a discussion on the Trisquel forums that I think he might have listed the reasons. So if you go look back... you can probably (?) find it.
I have no problem with systemd and I have problem with Intel AMT and vPro. And I will down-vote any of your subsequent posts on that topic which has nothing to do with the thread (besides the fact that you have already shown us multiple times that you do not understand nor want to understand the problems that systemd solves).
This strongly suggests you have javascript enabled.
I do. The JavaScript on the Trisquel website is free software.
> Javascript runs on your computer. Not on the server.
You have an irrational fear of JavaScript. The problem is *proprietary*
JavaScript, not JavaScript itself. There is literally nothing wrong with
running free JavaScript, for the same reasons that there is nothing wrong or
even potentially dangerous with running any kind of free software on your own
computer- there are thousands of eyes on the code. You'll be OK.
If anything, free JavaScript running on your own computer is better than JS
running on the host- because that would be SaaSS.
The computer from my opening post, is an ibm power 8.