Art for 4.0

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I changed the control from Nodoka-Silver to Glossy with colors 210/35/60 (#637E99). I checked in several programs, including Synaptic and Software Sources, and the check boxes, radio buttons and widgets seem fine. Screenshots are here:

I also found that the OpenOffice Drawing icon is the rounded version but the others (Presentation, Spreadsheet Word Processor) are the squared Elementary ones. I really like this icon set but we may need to look through the icons for for consistency.

Jose Benito

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Joined: 02/20/2009

Andrew, you're art4trisquel administrator, so you can add others authors if you want.

would be good to integrate a design team, especially if there are people who know design ... because I'm a lawyer, hehehe.


Joined: 05/25/2010

Just some sketch.

Boot screen sketch: the LED like thing changes it's color during the boot from blue to green...

c&c and suggestions are welcome always.



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Joined: 12/28/2009

I like this boot screen, and I hope it can be adapted to a finished, usable file. Keep up the good work.

Joined: 05/25/2010

Only one element should be animated (if you want to work with this design) the "status bulb" a saw at the fedora they made the status animation with a lot of keyframes. What do you think about a "painting on the wall the trisquel" design?


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Joined: 12/28/2009

Whatever you can create that makes our distro look more attractive and can be used in a valid XSplash file, Ruben (the head of the project) will probably love and use in version 4.0.

Go for it. I'm certain your talent and insight in graphical design exceeds my own.

Joined: 05/25/2010

Never forget my talent and experience is useless if I make something what you don't like. So critics are always welcome. I have more some plans.

Joined: 05/25/2010

one more as thinking....

(all of my works is done in gimp, and xcf available)


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Joined: 12/28/2009

That one appears far too pixelated.

Also, please save your pictures as .png files at max compression. Saving as .jpg reduces quality and leaves a lot of artifacts, which are clearly visible in your submissions so far.

Joined: 05/25/2010

I have the gimp xcf so I can send what you need.


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Joined: 12/28/2009

Has Hound approved you as an author at yet?

Joined: 05/25/2010

We are working on it, I contacted Hound, as he asked me.

Joined: 06/01/2010

Encuenta: ¿Cual crees que seria el theme para Trisquel 4.0? // What do you think the ideal theme for Trisquel 4.0 (Taranis)


Trisquel Elemantary Clasico


Trisquel Elemantary Oscuro


Trisquel Elemantary Claro


Luego de una serie de modificaciones en los iconos y en el theme en general creo que es hora de "votar" cual de estos tres gusta más.

Trisquel Elementary Full.tar.gz

En el paquete se incluyen estos tres themes que sirven tanto para panel de 30 como de 46 px, si es inferior a 26 (como a mi me gusta) también hay una opción.


After a series of changes to the icons and the theme in general I think it's time to "vote" which of these three like.

The package includes three themes that serve both a panel of 30 and 46 px, if less than 26 (as I like) there is also an option.

: : : VOTAR : : :


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Joined: 12/28/2009

Arder, the problem with implementing any of these themes as-is is Ruben's pickiness. I've just talked with him in IRC, and he nitpicks about the look of the scrollbar (which is just fine and quite attractive IMHO) and the line in the nautilus file browser being 2 pixels too close to the top menubar (give me a break).

If he slightly dislikes something, it pretty much hits the cutting room floor.

Joined: 02/22/2010

Andrew - Are there any guidelines or specifications with respect to window borders, controls, colors, icons, etc? Will Ruben end up designing the final theme or is he relying on the community for this? It would be a lot easier if we had a list of what is acceptable and what is not from the beginning.


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He has't given an exact series of specifications for what he is looking for; with him, it's actually sort of difficult to know until he sees it and gives feedback. But he most likely prefers "Clasico" above the rest, as it does not stray too far from our long-established look.

Joined: 04/08/2009

I agree, I was thinking about this recently. It might be a good idea to create a style guide for Trisquel. The guide would specify the look and feel of the OS.

Jose Benito

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Joined: 02/20/2009

I'm agree with that too.

I have nothing against the current appearance of Trisquel, but I would like to see the best absolutely free distro with a (more) modern, efficient, beautiful and sleek interface; i think it deserves.

Joined: 02/22/2010

Based on what Andrew has said, it seems that:

1) Window color: gray or off-white
2) Menu & toolbar area - gray
3) Window border matches menu and toolbar color
4) Selected items & widgets: blue/gray combination
5) Window buttons: tradtional (no colored buttons)
6) Icons: Blueish

The soft colors might look a little plain, but they are easy on the eyes. My suggestions:

1) Add highlights to the window buttons when hovered over, perhaps with a soft glow and the same color as widgets.
2) Add a stonger gradient or a glossy/3D look to the widgets and buttons. I found some samples on Gnome-look:

This is only to show the effect; I am not suggesting these colors.

We should be able to create a modern looking theme that is both clean and elegant without going overboard on the eyecandy. I don't know how to create themes... perhaps I should read up on it.

Joined: 02/22/2010

Here's a screenshot of a theme I put together. It's based on the Trisquel controls and window border with some gradients and slight color changes. The icons are the Trisquel X-elementary. The window buttons are from the Slickness 3.0 metacity theme on, which is under the GPL. Any comments ?

I also tried rounded corners on the window, but can't get the outline to draw properly all the way around. I searched the web for documentation on GTK+, metacity and the clearlooks engine, but have not been able to find a good, simple tutorial yet.


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I think it looks really nice.

Joined: 02/22/2010

Here are screenshots of a modified version. Please provide comments.

I find that having both the normal and selected text black, rather than inverting the colors for the selected text, is easier on the eyes (at least for me). I am trying to maintain a good level of contrast without have the blue too light. I also find that the frame around the window helps separate windows when they overlap on the screen.


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It looks great. However, I think it might look better if there was less space between the window icons, or possibly no space at all.


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Joined: 12/28/2009

I concur, it's a solid theme, but those icons at the top right belong a bit closer together.

Joined: 02/22/2010

I would actually like to create the buttons from scratch. The ones I copied are under the GPL, but it would be nice to have the artwork, of which the theme style/colors are part of, created just for Trisquel using the tools in Trisquel. I would also like to include some of the glassy look that's seen in the logo if possible. I will post these later, and the buttons will be closer together.

Joined: 02/22/2010

Andrew - Before I get too far, do you think Ruben will accept rounded corners on windows or buttons or are square corners a must?

Joined: 02/22/2010

How does this look? I went back to the Trisquel controls with color changes. I am trying to get the look of the titlebar to match that of the pulldown menus. The menu buttons are not mine yet. I created a couple versions, but it's harder than I thought to get them to look good at the small sizes.


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I think the window icons stand out way too much in this one. Aside from them being too far apart, I thought they looked fine in this one (


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It looks great. I like the rounded corners, too.

As far as what Ruben will like, though, you will just have to ask him in IRC. His aesthetic sensibilities are not easy to corner.

Joined: 02/22/2010

How about this? This is just a mockup. The blue gradient on the buttons is from the Trisquel logo. For the final version, I will reduce the size of the buttons and symbols inside the buttons and make the gradient continuous across all three buttons. The blue is a little bright, but I'm trying to use the Trisquel colors throughout the theme.

BTW, has anyone looked closely at the Trisquel X-elementary icon set to remove items, such as the Apple logo on the desktop icon, that we would not use.


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Joined: 12/28/2009

The buttons look better close together, almost as if they come straight from the early 90's.

To be honest, I still prefer the minimalist beauty of Trisquel's current window border, but the Trisquel Elementary them is otherwise a strong improvement.

The Trisquel X-elementary icon set no longer has the Apple logo on the desktop icon. It now shows a triskelion on a Trisquel-like backdrop. Arder also made other neat improvements. However, other icons, like the Documents folder icon, appear almost identical to those of MacOS or may even be directly ripped off, so those should be changed. You can download the latest here:

Joined: 02/22/2010

Here is the latest... Trisquel controls with modified colors, rounded corners, subtle button bars closer together, updated icons.


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Joined: 12/28/2009

You've really perfected it. Good job.

Joined: 06/01/2010

As I saw in the last screenshot of tarantis ruben.... he is far from what you propose .... yet I see you have icons as "Trisquel x-elementary" old, leave the link here the latest update.

Joined: 02/22/2010

My vote is for Clasico, but here are some general comments on the themes:

The elementary icons are very polished and elegent. Definitely keep this.

The Clasico (as with the traditional Trisquel) theme blends the window border with the top menubar and gives a unified look to the whole window. The only issue I have found with this is that when several windows are open, sometimes they appear mixed together due to all the gray.

I like the traditional window buttons (min/max/close) rather than the colored buttons. I also think that Gnome specifies using buttons that don't depend on just color but also shapes for those that are colorblind. We are not creating themes for Gnome but just something to consider. Also, could we provide more highlight to the buttons when the mouse hovers over them?

I like the rounded window borders of Oscuro and Claro.


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>Also, could we provide more highlight to the buttons when the mouse hovers over them?

I was thinking that too. The default theme in Trisquel Mini does that, but I think that one's based on LXDE.

Joined: 05/25/2010

Sorry for my low activity, I finished a music video, and I had some work to do. So I am back now, tomorrow I can finish some animation for the boot logo.




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Joined: 09/05/2010

I would like to see something similar to the trisquel 3.5 release boot screen. Maybe someone could proviede a bootscreen like the fedora one but with a black background or something like darkblue and the simple and slick logo, because the logo is great.Furthermore the clasico theme is great. My Wallpaper suggestion would be something in blue and with the slick logo. without any text on it. But the logo should be very shaded.  It shouldn't be the eyecather but only in the background.Hope someone clould build something like my suggestions. I think we should move the distro into the ubuntu style direction but not like osx or ubuntu at all. And we should stay with the blue main color this should be consistent. thanx to all for the great 3.5 release.


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Joined: 09/05/2010

Maybe someone could build a bootscreen like this: that is how i would like to see a bootscreen maybe a little bit diffrent.