Audio settings: Foss stereo?

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Joined: 02/18/2016

When ripping dvds with handbrake, one must choose audio settings. I have no need for 5.1 channels but prefer stereo over mono. I suppose Dolby Pro Logic II gives better audio quality than normal stereo, but I also assume that Dolby Pro Logic II holds some issues regarding foss.

What are the recommendations?

Magic Banana

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As far as I know, HandBrake entirely is free software. Are you affirming it is not the case of its Dolby Pro Logic II codec? If not, what issue are you referring to?

Joined: 02/18/2016

Disclaimer: Good questions need sufficient knowledge - which I probably don't have!

It is my impression that some formats, e.g. mp3, are controversial due to some openness issues or business model issues. I must admit hat I don't remember why (i.e. from where) I have this sort of concern about Dolby Pro Logic II, but my original question should perhaps have been:

Are there, for a foss-oriented user, any issues about using Dolby Pro Logic II?

Joined: 02/17/2016

I think Handbrake uses LibAV to encode that. LibAV uses ac-3 which was patented but it's expired now.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

For increasingly more knowledge on software patents (which is a problem for free software but not only):

Joined: 02/17/2016

Just imagine if one deaf'n'dumb composer hadn't had a patent portfolio in the thousands to defend himself we would've been left without ta-ta-ta-daa!

EDIT: I was ninja'd! You won't believe this but I made that stuff up myself before watching the end of the clip. Just finished watching the video and there it was. Maybe we should make this patentable, too!

imagine.png vans_fifth.png