Avoid non-free javascript and cloudflare mitm
What methods do you use to avoid non-free javascript and man-in-the-middle spying (cloudflare)?
For the text pages I've found the best method is to save them using https://archive.is service and then read the saved copy from an archive.
Example → https://archive.is/AiYvN
Hope this helps.
archive.today is great; I use it a lot. It's the most generic method I know of; in other words, it works on a lot of websites. All of the other methods I know of only work for specific websites.
For some websites, I use LibRedirect [1], which redirects websites to front-ends for those websites, for example YouTube -> Invidious and Reddit -> LibReddit. Some of the redirects are not reallly necessary, and some actually lead to websites which require JavaScript, and I don't know if all it links to is free software.
For some websites, I use the Haketilo browser extension [2] to automatically inject free JavaScript to websites that normally require nonfree JavaScript, like Google Forms.
On some websites, I manually edit the HTML to make the website more usable. I usually can easily turn this process into a Haketilo script, and I have uploaded many to a git repository [3], but the ones that work are mixed in with the ones that don't and most of them are not very polished.
I also know about woob [4], which can be helpful in avoiding nonfree software, but I haven't actually used it myself. I think the official version of woob will sometimes install nonfree JavaScript and execute it like a browser, but maybe those modules are removed in the Guix version. I am not sure.
There are also some programs meant to interact with websites that normally require nonfree JavaScript, like yt-dlp (in Trisquel repos, may need to enable backports), some pidgin plugins [5][6].
LibrePlanet also has a (small) list of websites that work with free software [7].
[1] https://libredirect.github.io/
[2] https://haketilo.koszko.org/
[3] https://codeberg.org/JacobK/unfinished-site-fixes
[4] https://woob.tech/
[5] https://github.com/EionRobb/purple-discord (usually doesn't work because of the new CAPTCHA)
[6] https://notabug.org/alyssa/groupme-purple/ (I could never get this one working)
[7] https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Free_Javascript_Action_Team/Sites