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Joined: 09/08/2013

I've just emailed the BBC, for the 2nd time (they ignored the first one) complaining abut the fact that access to the streams and programs on their site is limited to flashplayer only.
I don't suppose they'll do anything other than fob me off with a lot of nonsense about DRM and ease of access (interestingly, whilst trawling the site looking for how to complain I came across a list of "older phones we don't support anymore", so it looks as though they too are playing the "if you want access, go and buy new hardware" game).

It strikes me that perhaps a petition or lobbying campaign is in order. However, not wanting to make a complete fool of myself I thought I'd check a couple of things out first.

1) Does anyone know of a way to access their content (preferably without using "get iplayer" - if illegality is the only method, then fair enough, though that doesn't go to solving the live radio streams issue)?

2) Are there even enough people concerned enough to add their names? I notice that the UK seems to be largely absent from many of the lists of organisations and volunteers involved in the FSF movement.

I'm very new to the FSF thing (less than a month). Back when I started using Gnu/Linux in 2002, listening to the BBC was very easy as there was a selection of bit rates and formats available to choose from. Now its seems to be flash or nothing.

Joined: 06/17/2012


The "BBC"...

They have even paedophile rings inside of it... (So, do you think they're people of morals and principles?...)

Check out this video, about their "misdeeds", if you want to know who you're mailing:

(They lie all the time... So, what's the interest in hearing them? - +

Ban the BBC!


Joined: 06/17/2012

I'm sorry if that was a somewhat harsh response...

But, being a former "citizen journalist" myself, I've been accumulating a great feeling of revolt towards this and other channels, who I've - through the years, been able to - repeatedly caught lying, about important things...

Joined: 09/08/2013

They lie everyday about everything. No apology needed.

Joined: 06/17/2012

I'm glad that my response wasn't perceived as a "rude" one, then... :)

Joined: 09/08/2013

Yes, they're not called the "Bullsh*t Broadcasting Corporation" for nothing.

That said, they can be pressured into changing policy if the pressure applied is sufficiently public in nature.

Joined: 06/17/2012

The best alternative designation that I know of, is "British Brainwashing Corporation"...

Concerning the pressure, I think that the best thing to do is to just stop funding them, and construct our own alternative media organizations.

But, if you want an English-language equivalent, that actually says the truth, you have the Russian State-funded "Russia Today" channel, which is very good, but that focuses on /international/ issues:

It's the only State-sponsored channel that I bother watching.

(And the only one before which I would consider pressuring for that.)

Joined: 06/17/2012

Besides the Iranian government-backed "Press TV", that is... That I watch to hear the Truth about what are our Western governments doing in the Middle East (and other parts of the World).

But I know that "Press TV" has been censored in the UK.

(And, also, I don't think that a government such as the Iranian would pay attention to any such kind of pressure...)

Joined: 09/08/2013

I think it's stretching it to claim that any media channel is telling the whole truth. Even those who seek the truth have to beware of their own desires and bias.
Rather, I go for viewing as many different sources as possible and weighing up the evidence (as much as that is at all possible).
So I would consider RT, NYT, the BBC, the various 'broadsheet sites', globalreasearch etc.
And the output of all of those is then filtered through "what their known political stances are plus the previous record of behaviour of any Governments/nations and organisations".

All that said, my biggest gripe is not being able to access Radio4 Extra and the cricket commentaries, when they're on - neither of which are "news" or subject to time restricted DRM. It's an issue of being able to access what, as a licence payer, I've already paid my bit towards. I also think that distinguishing between the two is the best way forward. In these days of paranoid copyright fanaticism, arguing against the DRM built in to the iplayer, however odious it is, is likely to fail. Whereas arguing for the right to access "live" broadcasts is a much stronger argument as the DRM argument doesn't apply.

Joined: 06/17/2012

Right. They all complement each other (and, I didn't say that RT talks about everything that there is to be known). But, after years of doing what you talk about, I just got tired of the lies of the mainstream media, and now only bother to listen to the alternative outlets that I know that don't lie - even if some of the alternative ones analyse things from a particular (political or not) point-of-view.

Yes. "Radio 4"... I was interviewed once, for a documentary in it. And know that it's not focused on news. The "Radio 3" I like, quite a lot, and listen to, once in a while. But, I can live without it, just by searching for good music on my own.

Joined: 05/13/2010

2) It seems to me people are interested, as they should be since it's their dime. Here's a few related findings


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Joined: 07/24/2013

You could try "add BBC internet radio stations to rythymbox" in duckduckgo....

But I couldn't guarantee that it would do any good.

Joined: 09/08/2013

You are a steely eyed superhero.

I thank you.

Joined: 11/30/2010

Yep that works, thanks from me too. Here's the instructions:

Joined: 06/17/2012

Thank you for that link.

(I guess I can, nonetheless, keep hearing Radio 3, once in a while...)

Joined: 01/09/2013

Respectfully, the British people got it right, the ban their own citizens on gun ownership this has been going on for a long time already, then, they abandon the space race, because it was to expensive or what other lame excuse they could come on at that time.

What else could we say: about the BBC, Typical news company, who censor live feed events to the world during, the Olympics in London, Lucky for me,I use VPN to access, the live feeds of the games, and was able to keep up with the events in live broadcast,

Joined: 05/18/2013

>Respectfully, the British people got it right, the ban their own citizens on gun ownership this has been going on for a long time already, then...

Are you serious?

Joined: 06/17/2012

Sure. And, now, because of that, people can't defend themselves, and the crime rate has soared. And, once the government becomes dictatorial, they can all line up pretty orderly, and do whatever they're told, since they, again, won't even have the chance of defending themselves.

Who cares if criminals will always have guns, anyway? It's the law-abiding citizens who are really dangerous. And, besides, History has shown that governments never kill people nor become dictatorial, and that are not, therefore, entities you should worry about.

The Yankees got it all wrong. Self-defence should also be a privilege, and, it is, most definitely, not a natural right, that should be enshrined in a Constitution.

(By the way... How the hell, and why, was that right included in such a document? Did it have anything to do with the British government?)

So, shut up about your rights, and just let the criminals (whoever they are) do whatever they want. (Don't worry, because, if they rob all your money and kill you, the State will pay for the funeral.)


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Joined: 06/03/2012

...And this is relevant to the OP how?

Take your asspain elsewhere, this is not the place to do it.

Joined: 06/17/2012

I know it's not relevant to the topic. But, couldn't let something as outrageous as that remain unanswered.

It wasn't me who deviated the conversation to that side. (And, therefore, it shouldn't be me the first target of your critique.)

I'm careful to never deviate too much from the original topics. And, I won't say anything more about this, anyway...

Joined: 09/08/2013

PrisonPlanet is a lunatic asylum.
They have predicted martial law and the end of civilisation every week for the last 4 - 5 years. Their forums are inhabited by idiots who rave and drool badly written, misspelled nonsense.

Alex Jones is a stooge. He turns up with his bullhorn and screams through it, thus trashing the protests he claims to support by making them all appear to be extremist nutters.

Dude, seriously. Quoting PP is not helping your argument.

Joined: 06/17/2012
Joined: 01/09/2013

Yes, I'm an active member of the USA National Rifle Association and about British abandoning the space race, I learn about that, while I was serving in the military.


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Joined: 11/21/2010

Lembas thank you for the links.

please open a new channel if you are deviating from the subject or responding to a deviation to the subject simply create a new subject and respond to a link to it.

Joined: 09/08/2013

Apologies to those concerned over the way this thread has gone. It was not my intention to start an argument.

Time to agree to disagree.
Peace and respect to you all.