Bitcoin and Trisquel
Hello, I'm interested in buying some bitcoins but I'm unsure what applications should I trust for my wallet.
If some of you already use this I would appreciate some tips.
I am very impressed with Trisquel. It's clean, and pretty polished. If
you're unhappy with it, do something about it. Collaborate to make it
better, or use something else. Best of luck to you.
I think you might have replied to the wrong post. There shouldn't be any reason a person wanting to use bitcoins should have a problem doing so on Trisquel.
I'm glad you're impressed with Trisquel, it looks like it's becoming a bit of a trend.
I also think you didn't quite get my question, I am concerned about the bitcoin (wallet) software that claims to be "open source" (MIT).
Happy hacking.
"The software is a community-driven open source project, released under the MIT license."
GNU uses the term "X11 license" instead of "MIT license", but it is listed as free. :)