Can you imagine something even more totalitarian than "1984"?

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Joined: 05/03/2013

For my part, I can. Furthermore, I was the terrorist #1 in this supersupertotalitarian(one "super" isn't enough,trust me) society.
It was a society from a game. The game was created by friend of mine.

At first glance Hyperborea(the name of the city) looked like a perfect example of anarchistic city. Thus,I was shocked then I discovered the truth.

There weren't any law enforcements or something like that, because every citizen (except me!) was by nature unable to act violently or maliciously. I felt myself as a wolf among defenseless sheep. So, I decided to commit a murder(don't get me wrong, I was just curious). Unfortunately, I was deadly wrong. There was the SECRET police. And these guys can use force.

They started hunt me down. I couldn't escape from the city, because it was one of the two sources of water on whole planet. Other source was situated at the end of the world(at Hypoborea). After a few days of chase and fierce battle for survival, I was caught and executed.

Then the friend explained how Hyperborea works under the hood.

1.All citizens are half-robots. There is the Supercomputer that can controls any actions and THOUGHTS of any citizen. A citizen can acts(and thinks) on his own as long as the Supercomputer allows him. For example, then the Secret Police was chasing me through the city, no-one noticed them and me. People looked at opposite direction, spoke with each other loudly, etc. By comparison, citizens in "1984" have freedom of thought. The Big brother can't force you to think about pink elephants and don't think about food.

2.Nobody even knows about existence of the Supercomputer, even the Secret Police. The Secret Police knows only one fact: there is the Secret Police. If there aren't any dangers for city, policemen become ordinary citizens, because the Supercomputer temporarily hides memories about the Secret Police. Everybody thinks that Hyperborea is anarchistic city.

3. The Supercomputer haven't got AI. It's more like sophisticated reflexes without any personality. Thus, it is supersupertotalitarian society without any dictator(s). LOL.

4.Unlike slowly dying world of "1984", Hyperborea is stable and thus can survive much longer. And by the way, only one citizen and one board of the Supercomputer are enough for rebirth of the whole city!

P.S. The friend is big fan of "1984"

Joined: 07/17/2013

HUm... ok, that was interesting... Just a question, is that a real game, or were you just "playing pretend I have a game like this"?
That was interesting again ;)

As for the question you made... I think 1984 was a good picture of what a totalitarian regime might look like, indeed many places in the world have some similarities but I am honestly more afraid of the "hidden totalitarianism" that we have in Europe these days. Every country says they are democratic but there is no real democracy and people are somehow kept "half awake to things", it's almost as if they have started to accept that they will be miserable anyway so why try not to be. That is even worse, because when you give power to the normal police that makes him even more powerful than the "secret police" of your game, and we have to accept that as it is... That's worse than 1984.

PS: I am also a big fan of 1984. The movie version of 1954 is in public domain, you can watch it in the internet archive in ogv :)

Joined: 05/03/2013

>is that a real game

Yes, it was a real game. It looks like this:

Friend: "You see a big cake"
I:"I ate the cake"
Friend:"You're dead. The cake was poisoned"

Joined: 07/17/2013

Ok, so... link? lol

Joined: 05/03/2013


Joined: 04/22/2013

Do you have a LINK for this game?
Where can we get it??

Joined: 05/03/2013

It was adventure game between me and my friend. He was God of the world and I was adventurer. The game itself don't require computer. We was talking with each other and threw dice from time to time.

Hyperborea isn't single dystopia created by my friend. He also created the world of caste capitalism where philanthropy is a very serious crime(by the way, it's was my idea!).

I can describe the world if you want.

Joined: 07/17/2013

Hum... no thanks, I don't think it will be that much fun. It was no doubt fun between you and your friend, as an exercise of thought and debate, but here it doesn't seem so... captivating.
Anyway, it was an interesting idea. And I hope you will check the movie I mentioned :)