Cannot download YouTube videos in Aramo

14 replies [Last post]
Joined: 09/29/2009

Let's say I want to watch in Aramo a YouTube video with audio out of sync. If I could watch this video from a media player that allowed for sync correction, such as VLC, I could easily enjoy the video. However, there is no known way for me to watch a YouTube video from a media player. So, as a last resort I could try to download the video first and then play it in VLC or other media player that allows for sync correction. I am not doing anything wrong, am I? I just want to watch this video with the audio in sync, and then delete it. So, these are the solutions that I have been trying:

YouTube Downloader: Graphical app provided by Trisquel repository, can be installed from the App/Remove Apps menu. Fails.

youtube-dl: Command-line tool provided by Trisquel repository in the package youtube-dl. Even though the package is installed, the command youtube-dl is not found.

yt-dlp: Command-line tool provided by Trisquel repository in the package yt-dlp. Trying to use it just produces the error "Unable to extract uploader id". In the thread "Cannot play YouTube videos on VLC" , user Kiki_the_Cyber_Squarrel (squarrel?) recommends using the yt-dlp package from GNU Guix instead: Comment #4, .

Abrowser extensions: If I open Abrowser's Extension Manager and I search for "Video Download", I get a Mozzarrella page with 74 extensions:". 39 of these extensions are unrelated to YouTube video download. Of the remaining 35, I find:

7 Extensions that do not even download:
-FetchV:Video Downloader (HLS/m3u8/mp4)
-Video Downloader
-OFFMP4 - Online Video Download Helper
-Video Downloader VeeVee
-Video Downloader Professional/Plus - MPMux
-M3u8 hls video downloader-fetchV
-VDE - Video Download Engine

9 Extensions that get downloaded and installed but then do nothing at all:
-Video Download
-HD Youtube Downloader
-YouTube to MP4 Downloader
-All in One Video Downloader
-YTMp3 YouTube To MP3 Converter YTMp4 Downloader
-YouTube Video Downloader Audio Converter
-1qvid - Free Video Downloader
-PTL Video Downloader

8 Extensions that get downloaded and installed but then do nothing at all while pretending to do something:
-Right-click YouTube Video Downloader
-YouTube Video Downloader - For Context Menu
-All Video Downloader Pro
-YouTube Video Downloader (YouTube icon)
-YouTube Video Downloader And More
-Youtube Video Downloader (Extension icon)
-YouTube Downloader Pro 2023
-All-in-One Video Downloader Pro 2023

6 Extensions that get downloaded and installed but then fail to find the video on YouTube's page:
-Download Video and Flash - HD Download
-Video Downloader Pro
-Video Downloader Prime
-Free Video Downloader
-Good Video Downloader
-Video Master

5 Extensions that get downloaded and installed, identify the video on YouTube's page but then fail to download it:
-Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express
-YouTube Doenloader
-Easy Video Downloader (Flash and Video)
-Private Video Downloader
-Y2mate Video Downloader

...and that's it. Not a single successful extension.

I could have missed something, but not 35 times. There is no doubt that many of these 35 extensions are obsolete.

It seems that the only hope that remains for me to enjoy this video with audio out of sync is to GNU Guix's version of yt-dlp. But that is a task for another day.


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Joined: 08/18/2020

> yt-dlp: Command-line tool provided by Trisquel repository in the package yt-dlp. Trying to use it just produces the error "Unable to extract uploader id"

I just tried on aramo with, it worked. Are you using aramo?


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Joined: 01/02/2019

It doesn't work here (Aramo). I also got "Unable to extract uploader id"



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Joined: 08/18/2020

> I also got "Unable to extract uploader id"

With the same URL? I tried again using my mobile phone for internet access, instead of my home connection, it also works fine (slower though).

Could it be that there is some kind of special filtering based on IP address or something like that?

Joined: 09/29/2009

Well, I will copy here the full output:

ignacio@Ignacio-P35-DS3L:~$ yt-dlp
[youtube] s7L7ZNYNTdw: Downloading webpage
[youtube] s7L7ZNYNTdw: Downloading android player API JSON
WARNING: [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Precondition check failed.
WARNING: [youtube] HTTP Error 400: Bad Request. Retrying ...
[youtube] s7L7ZNYNTdw: Downloading android player API JSON (retry #1)
WARNING: [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Precondition check failed.
WARNING: [youtube] HTTP Error 400: Bad Request. Retrying ...
[youtube] s7L7ZNYNTdw: Downloading android player API JSON (retry #2)
WARNING: [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Precondition check failed.
WARNING: [youtube] HTTP Error 400: Bad Request. Retrying ...
[youtube] s7L7ZNYNTdw: Downloading android player API JSON (retry #3)
WARNING: [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Precondition check failed.
WARNING: [youtube] Unable to download API page: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request (caused by ); please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
[youtube] s7L7ZNYNTdw: Downloading player 6e1dd460
WARNING: [youtube] nsig extraction failed: You may experience throttling for some formats
n = pU3jXEPntaGkqWBm- ; player =
s7L7ZNYNTdw: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/", line 2517, in _decrypt_nsig
    self._player_cache[player_id] = self._extract_n_function(video_id, player_url)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/", line 2543, in _extract_n_function
    funcname = self._extract_n_function_name(jscode)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/", line 2526, in _extract_n_function_name
    nfunc, idx = self._search_regex(
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/", line 1229, in _search_regex
    raise RegexNotFoundError('Unable to extract %s' % _name)
yt_dlp.utils.RegexNotFoundError: Unable to extract Initial JS player n function name; please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
 (caused by RegexNotFoundError('Unable to extract \x1b[0;94mInitial JS player n function name\x1b[0m; please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U')); please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
WARNING: [youtube] nsig extraction failed: You may experience throttling for some formats
n = tLM8r3U3uVNXZj-vX ; player =
s7L7ZNYNTdw: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/", line 2517, in _decrypt_nsig
    self._player_cache[player_id] = self._extract_n_function(video_id, player_url)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/", line 2543, in _extract_n_function
    funcname = self._extract_n_function_name(jscode)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/", line 2526, in _extract_n_function_name
    nfunc, idx = self._search_regex(
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/", line 1229, in _search_regex
    raise RegexNotFoundError('Unable to extract %s' % _name)
yt_dlp.utils.RegexNotFoundError: Unable to extract Initial JS player n function name; please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
 (caused by RegexNotFoundError('Unable to extract \x1b[0;94mInitial JS player n function name\x1b[0m; please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U')); please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
ERROR: [youtube] s7L7ZNYNTdw: Unable to extract uploader id; please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
Joined: 02/12/2015

As I said, using mpv with a nightly version of yt-dlp is the solution you are looking for:


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Joined: 07/15/2009

I'll try to track latest release, but don't hold your breath on it.

YouTube will continue to shake off any consumer who can't extract value from, and at some point the thread will break

Joined: 02/12/2015

yt-dlp is saying on their github page that at this point latest release is not good enough for regular use, that youtube is changing so fast that users need to be on nightly and do an update daily. Users will have to do that manually I would imagine, or just give up on youtube. Giving up on the site may be the best option.


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Joined: 07/15/2009

A latest version is on the build repos already, but there is an issue with the repo update, so you can grab it from here while it arrives:


Joined: 12/20/2021

The issue is easy to solve.

Just install the new version of yt-dlp available in the backports repository of Trisquel.


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Joined: 08/18/2020

Ignacio.Agullo, do you have backports activated?

Indeed, I am using yt-dlp from backports and it works for me, so maybe it would work for you too.

Joined: 09/29/2009

No, backports is not activated; my Trisquel installation is pretty much out-of-the-box. Well, now it is out-of-the-box with Guix.

All, right, I am removing yt-dlp from Guix: guix package -r yt-dlp

Now I activate backports at sources list, perform an apt-update and then install yt-dlp.

Trying again:

ignacio@Ignacio-P35-DS3L:~$ yt-dlp
[generic] Extracting URL:
[generic] watch?v=s7L7ZNYNTdw: Downloading webpage
ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error (caused by )

I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

If I do


like you, I have exactly the same failure but


works fine.

Joined: 06/30/2017

What version is apt showing for yt-dlp? I see 2024.09.27-1~bpo22.04.1 . In the archive, I see


which should be earlier than guix has in "2024.12.23." From this page ( I see (2024.08.06-1~bpo22.04.1).

Nothing seems current.

Joined: 09/29/2009

Okay, this thread has reached a conclusion.

The objective was to watch a YouTube video while being able to fix the out-of-sync audio. I explored two methods in two different threads, receiving help in both and reporting the outcome I got. There was a bit of a mix, as sometimes help for one method would appear on the other thread – so, I am posting this final report on both threads.

Method: Connecting to YouTube from a media player that allows to fix the sync, such as VLC or mpv.
Thread: ‘Cannot play YouTube videos on VLC’
i) Invidious at address offers a Libre way to watch YouTube videos. It suffices to replace ‘’ with ‘’ to watch the same video in Invidious.
ii) No way found for VLC to play videos from either YouTube or Invidious, it reports not being able to open the MRL.
iii) mpv sometimes plays videos from both YouTube and Invidious. 74 hours earlier ago it reported ‘HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error’, yet at present it plays videos from both sites… a weather report for this would be useful.

Method: Downloading the video from YouTube, then play it with a media player that allows to fix the sync, such as VLC or mpv.
Thread: ‘Cannot download YouTube videos in Aramo’
i) No way found for Trisquel’s YouTube Downloader app to work.
ii) Not a single one from the 35 Abrowser extensions available at Mozzarrella that in theory allow for downloading videos from YouTube appears to work. Seems that YouTube has changed its service and made all of them obsolete. I could have missed something but not 35 times.
iii) Tool yt-dlp works, but not the current versions for Aramo (2022.04.08-1, ‘Unable to extract uploader id’) and Guix (2024.12.23, seems to be capped, for after downloading some megabytes it gets error ‘403: Forbidden’ and further attempts get the same error immediately and make no progress). The version that works is the one you get when you enable the Trisquel backports repository (2024.09.27-1~bpo22.04.1). Also, it works with YouTube addresses but not with Invidious ones.
iv) Magic Banana mentions that Parabolic also works. This is the only solution that I have not tried and cannot confirm. See comment . You are warned, you might feel the urge to repost the same link again – many did already.

Many thanks to users Kiki_the_Cyber_Squarrel, andyprough, prospero, Magic Banana, Avron, knife, Ark74, iShareFreedom and eric23 for their help. If I forget someone, my excuses.