Can't look for modules in Abrowser
I can't look for modules in Abrowser, or even browse to another module page : it says that I'll be able to do so when I'll be connected, which I am (ethernet).
That's on a fresh install, with gnome-shell added (which is really nice btw).
If you have connection issues make sure file > work offline is not selected.
Thanks. No effect tough, it was already unchecked. When I try to install a module that's on the first page (which is displayed), I still access the page saying "what are add-ons? (...) When you're connected to the internet, this pane will feature some of the best(...)".
Otherwise, no connection issues whatsoever.
Looks like a server issue, because it also happens on my personal machine.
In your browser, type in
The page displayed will allow addons to be installed.
Neat, thank you !