Chrooting utils like arch-chroot in Parabola?
I also have Parabola installed in parallel to Trisquel, and Parabola has arch-chroot command to perform a system upgrade that never fails.
However, when I try to upgrade Trisquel thru PureOS (both userland is deb) using chroot all are done but kernel image is failed.
So, are there any deb-specific chroot utils for Trisquel just like arch-chroot in Parabola, or any other ways to reinstall the kernel?
Are you looking for debootstrap?
sudo mount -B /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts sudo mount -B /proc /mnt/proc && sudo mount -B /sys /mnt/sys && sudo mount -B /dev /mnt/dev
This should now be over, now fixing my kernel upgrade. :)