Converting *buntu-12.10 to Free Software

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Joined: 01/03/2010

This there an easy way to convert any of the *Ubuntu* version of 12.10 to free software.
I.C. there are Trisquel 6 in the mix however, v.6 uses 12.04 base and therefor Trisquel 6 repo's will not work

Joined: 09/14/2012

There is a script to do this but I can't find it anywhere :S... (But I know that I saw it on the wiki section).

The best you can do (for now) is to select "Only Free Software" with the F6 Option on the Installation CD (when you put the USB/CD Ubuntu Installation on your computer and boot, a purple screen appears, just press any button (like the bottom arrow on the keyboard), and a menu will appear, on this menu just press F6 (if I remember right, it is the last option), select "Only Free Software" and press ENTER after that just start normally the Installation by selecting the first option).

The good part:
(Almost) Only Free Software will be installed.

The Bad Part:
Using non-free Software is quite easy since you can still activate the non-free repositories on the Repositories Sources software from the Ubuntu Configuration Tool. The kernel is the one with the non-free drivers/firmwares, and you still have software Like Firefox installed.

But it is a "good" way to go if you want to test it with the maximum of non-free software removed without this script (if I find it I will post it here)

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

You probably meant this script that was written to turn Ubuntu 10.04 LTS into Trisquel 4.0 LTS. It should not be hard to update it... but every new proprietary software in Ubuntu's (main and restricted?) repositories must be listed.

Joined: 09/14/2012

Exactly :D Thank you for the link !

Maybe putting this script on a Git Server with the authorization of Ruben could be a good idea to improve it and help new users that have Ubuntu start using Trisquel more easily (or something like that).

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

What about clicking the "Edit" button. It is on a wiki. ;-)

Joined: 09/14/2012

That could be an idea too xD But I was thinking of a .deb package, something that could be downloaded and easily installed and tested xD

Joined: 09/14/2012

The problem with the script is that it works based on the Trisquel similar repositories, and since there is no Trisquel 7 repositories, it isn't (easily) possible to do so for now.

Joined: 05/13/2010

>This there an easy way to convert any of the *Ubuntu* version of 12.10 to free software.

No. Wait and it will be done for you.