Corrupt EFI?
I decided to try Flidas on my laptop which is an HP Pavilion 15p-N066us.
It originally came with something like Winsnows 8 and I had it set up to dual boot with Debian for a while.
I guess it has a hidden partition called EFI and wants to boot from there and grub was installed elsewhere so I had to go through a few extra steps to boot up Debian on the Laptop.
Power ON - enter Administrator password
then F2 to see settings options,
then F9 to see boot selection and
then arrow down from the EFI partition to boot from 'notebook hard drive'
then 'enter' and
the grub menu would appear
So I just lived with it like that for a year or so. I couldn't find any setting in the BIOS to stop it from requiring the EFI boot by default.
Then I ended by um, a mistake, giving the whole hard drive to OpenBSD. In my focus on how the heck to get a GUI and other configurations done, I don't remember ever noticing that the above steps had gone away. Now it was simply,
Power ON - enter Administrator password
wait till boot up done and
enter username and
and type
Now I install Flidas and it seems to require two attempts to boot to Trisquel.
Power ON - enter Administrator password
wait or do the above steps - F2 - F9 etc
screen goes black and nothing seems to happen
Hit 'ctl' + 'alt' + 'del' to reboot
Enter Administrator password
See grub menu and hit enter - Trisquel is the only thing there.
Anybody have any ideas how I might fix this?
At least, it does get there.
1)Do you have the fat32 partition?
2)Do you use GPT?
3)Do you use MBR?
3)Do you have an EFI boot option in your bios?
4)Is secureboot disabled?
Using gParted I only see an extended partition with three logical partitions for OSes, 1 encrypted partition for /home and 1 swap partition - No fat32 or any thing else.
I could only use the graphical install program and it never asked where to install grub.
As to the BIOS - EFI boot option or secure boot. I looked and looked to see how I could get Debian to boot by default and there seemed to be no way to do that, disabling EFI or making it secondary was not an option.
Unfortunately, I only sort of remember my BIOS password and that isn't good enough. So I can't check for a secure boot option at this moment but this notebook actually came with something like Windows 7.8 and it appears secure boot came out as an update for notebooks running 8.
My guess is I'll have to remove ROM battery to reset BIOS password.
Just to be certain, the return of this should be legacy boot.
[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "EFI boot on HDD" || echo "Legacy boot on HDD"
It sounds like the laptop wants to boot from an EFI partition but you don't have one, you are using the MBR. IIRC there should be an option to install EFI in the advanced Trisquel install. Failing that, you should have a GUID partition table with a fat32 partition (~500mb) at the beginning, sda1, with boot flag. Then you install grub-efi which will install to the sda1 partition (/boot/efi) and not the MBR. Then you should be able to boot normally. Unfortunately this will mean repartitioning, so probably a fresh install.
Sorry to hear it didn't auto detect the EFI setting on install. I have heard it can happen where a BIOS is given EFI booting. Your laptop definitely has a BIOS, I looked it up. Also, refind is a useful tool. EDIT (forgot link)
If you need me to clarify anything, just ask.
Thanks danish,
I will take a look at these notes of yours today and post results when I get a chance. It seems that openBSD overwrote the EFI part in some way. May look for openBSD solutions also.
I have system recovery disks from HP meant to restore it to the original configuration so as a last result I might go there and then rewipe Windows, repartition and reinstall, after all, much practice makes perfect.
I've never seen that command except maybe noticing a strange [ somewhere trying to set up tripwire.
gsmyli_tr8@trisquelTower:~/Desktop$ [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "EFI boot on HDD" || echo "Legacy boot on HDD"
Legacy boot on HDD
The Tower is of course my desktop, the laptop is trisquelFlats, :)
result of command
bash: [-d: command not found
Legacy boot on HDD
There must be a space (or more) after '['.