A cosy conversation about a potential candidate for cosy video calls

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Joined: 05/20/2022

I could not find enough time yet to dig into this, but I may try to install it at some point and see how it fares:

I had been running a Jitsi Meet instance for some time, but could never find an easy way to add a file transfer option. There is always email, but it means two separate channels and obviously reduces the smoothness of the experience. The other option is to share a window with an open document, but this also has its limitations. So that meant Jitsi Meet just did not have the option, which led me to start looking around until I stumbled upon that project.

I am not completely comfortable about nodejs, but maybe I should try using both nodejs and docker at some point.


I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

> I had been running a Jitsi Meet instance for some time, but could never find an easy way to add a file transfer option.

While searching, I found https://desktop.jitsi.org/Development/FileTransfer with DuckDuckGo but I can't find where it is linked from on the Jitsi website.

For a separate channel, I would consider a pastebin (like bepasty) using no password or the room name as password.

But I agree that something fully integrated would be nicer.

Joined: 05/20/2022

This looks like a WIP for the "legacy" jitsi desktop client, which may be the reason why the Jitsi Meet pages do not link to it.

I am not sure why file transfer is not considered for implementation in Jitsi Meet, but just found out that the relevant XMPP extension specifications have stalled:



I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

In my understanding, XEP-0363 is what is used when, in clients like Gajim, one selects a file to be sent to a multi-user chat.

Joined: 05/20/2022

So someone would need to dive into the Jitsi Meet codebase and implement http file upload using the Prosody module.

It seems quite reasonable to assume that file transfer will not soon be an option on Jitsi Meet, though: