Creating a customised Trisquel

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Peter Boughton
Joined: 01/24/2017


I want to create a customised Trisquel ISO / Live USB with a bunch of extra software packages (and the latest security updates), that can be installed to hard drive and result in a secure OS with additional software without needing to download multiple times (or even be online).

I found an apparently empty wiki page at

Wayback has a version from December, but it's unformatted/garbled:

Now that I have an account, the edit option is visible which reveals the MediaWiki source - preview is still blank, so I used Wikipedia to get HTML which I've pasted back in, but not sure the pre-formatted blocks are correct. (e.g. I would expect the first rsync command to be "rsync --exclude=/casper/filesystem.squashfs -a tmp/ src/" all on one line without the double backslashes?)

Formatting issues aside, is that wiki page the recommended approach for what I want? Looks like a lot of "optional" steps that aren't entirely clear why they should or should not be done.


I was originally thinking to use APT to download packages then install from a local source - seems like it achieves basically the same thing with less setup effort than following that guide in exchange for a little bit on the install side - something like:

# Setup:
apt-get update
cp -v /var/lib/apt/lists /media/usb/apt-lists
apt-get dist-upgrade --download-only --option APT::Clean-Installed=off
apt-get install --download-only --option APT::Clean-Installed=off list of package names
cd /var/cache/apt/archives && tar -cvf /media/usb/apt-archives.tar ./*

# Local Installs:
cd /var/cache/apt/archives && tar -xf /media/usb/apt-archives.tar
apt-get dist-upgrade --no-download --option Dir::State::Lists=/media/usb/apt-lists
apt-get install --no-download --option Dir::State::Lists=/media/usb/apt-lists list of package names

Does this approach make sense and is there any advantage/disadvantage?


Peter Boughton
Joined: 01/24/2017

Found a wiki page for offline package installation:

But whilst that page recommends dpkg, it also links to a site that specifically says don't use dpkg because it doesn't handle dependencies correctly, and that site recommends updating sources.list to point at a local directory of deb files, basically...

printf "deb file:$LocalRepoDir ./\n$( /etc/apt/sources.list
mkdir $LocalRepoDir
cd !$
tar -xf /path/to/deb/files.tar
sudo bash -c 'dpkg-scanpackages . | gzip > ./Packages.gz'
sudo apt-get update
# install packages with: sudo apt-get install 

I was assuming that the download-only/no-download functionality of apt-get is relatively recent... except the wiki page was created in 2014, the other updated in 2015, yet it seems both download-only and no-download existed in 2007 so am I missing something?

Magic Banana

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If you administrate an offline Trisquel, bring on it (e.g., using a USB stick) the .deb package of 'apt-offline' and install it with GDebi or 'sudo dpkg -i':

Its dependencies ("apt", "less" and "python") are already installed: even "trisquel-minimal", which provide a minimal console environment, depends on them. Then use the 'apt-offline' command to manage all your packages. If you like GUIs, the first package you may want to install with that command is "apt-offline-gui". You can then use its GUI.

I am currently improving (EDIT: done).

Peter Boughton
Joined: 01/24/2017

I don't administrate an offline Trisquel, what I want is an updated Live USB that:

1) has the latest security updates installed before going online.
2) has software packages added that aren't bundled with the default ISO.

I want those things so that:

a) I can install on multiple machines, knowing they are running identical software, without having to download multiple times.
b) I have a Live USB distro that effectively demonstrates Free Software.

The offline install route seemed simpler than the ISO update method. The signature file side of apt-offline adds complexity which is only necessary when working with different base installs, which isn't the case here.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

The simplest method is (unless we are talking about tens of machines, where software configuration management becomes a must: Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.).