Creating email reminders from a calendar program ala google calendar
So I am trying to completely divest myself of all things Google. One major feature I depend on, however, is email reminders from google calendar. For some odd reason I have not found a libre program to do this (it must be out there, but I've yet to find it). For the moment I am using a calendar program called "pal" and it has the ability to send to email with the following syntax:
pal --mail -r 1 -c 0 | sendemail -f name at domain -t name at domain -u "Today's schedule" -s -o tls=yes -xu myusername -xp mypassword
Format output so sendemail can understand it. Send me the first reminder, and don't print a calendar
pal --mail -r 1 -c0
pipe output to sendemail so I can email it to myself.
| sendemail
key to options:
-f from email -t to email -u subject line -s smtp server and port -o name/value for authentication tls=yes -xu username -xp password
This works! However, because sendemail is receiving piped input, it can't prompt for a password and I have to use a plain-text password in the above command.
I would like to set this up as a cron job, but I don't want to store a plain-text password.
One final point: The program pal says that --mail is used with sendmail. I couldn't figure out sendmail so easily, so I used sendemail instead. I don't know if sendmail could do this better?
1.) How can I do this in a way that secures the password?
2.) Is there something simpler?
3.) Could sendmail do this better than sendemail
I guess I can't edit my post if it is the first post of a thread?
Using the code tags put in the annoying "[at] and [dot]" So let us see if this works. Here is the full command:
pal --mail -r 1 -c 0 | sendemail -f name at domain -t name at domain -u "Today's schedule" -s -o tls=yes -xu myusername -xp mypassword
lol, nope! Anyway, you know the real format.
> I guess I can't edit my post if it is the first post of a thread?
That seems to be the case. Isn't it amazing how you first spot the typos and mistakes one second after you've submitted a first post? ;)