Default Music App

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Joined: 05/27/2013

Obviously, Rhytmbox has been choosen as the default Music player as it is very good project-wise. However, I've found this app called "Musique" (Google it) and it looks extraordinary, it allows you to browse through your collection way more smooth than iTunes or anything proprietary. I believe we need a similar approach for Music-record lovers, to make the choice of converting to Free software easier. What do you guys think ?

Joined: 05/31/2013

Musique seems don't work in trisquel 5.5 64bits. i'm sorry. anyway i think the same.


Joined: 03/26/2011
Joined: 05/31/2013

thanks for link [2] > it seem setup the software. i like musique!


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Joined: 07/27/2010

I like music and am collecting records (at least a little amount of them). There are already really good audio players on GNU/Linux! Clementine as far Qt-interfaces go, gmusicbrowser and QuodLibet as far GTK-interfaces go. Clementine and gmusicbrowser are probably the best.

There is also DeadBeef, a project to make a clone of Foobar2000 (probably the ultimate audio player, but proprietary and Windows only). DeadBeef is under the GPL and the aim seems to be a low memory footprint as well as having basically all features one can think of.


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Joined: 09/19/2011

So far, my favorite database-driven music player app is exaile.

Joined: 10/09/2012

I'm a convert to Trisquel from windows, and the one single thing I miss from windows is the foobar2000 music player. I'm not too big on rhythmbox. Clementine is the best alternative I've found, but I'd really like it if the folders in the "files" tab had the little arrows next to them, rather than just showing you the contents of one single folder at a time. It's a little thing, but it's frustrating that I can't find a single player that does that.


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Joined: 11/20/2012

VLC does that; Tools > Preferences > Interface > Display playlist tree.

Joined: 10/09/2012

Wow, thanks! One thing though - This is pretty picky, but I have a couple different music folders that I'd like to keep the way they are, but have them intermingle in the tree view. What I mean by this is, if I have a folder for "downloads" and one for "rips", and I have an "Elend" folder in both of them, I'd like to see the contents of both "Elend" folders in a single "Elend" folder in the tree. Hopefully that makes sense. Foobar2000 does this by default, but VLC doesn't.


I am a member!

Joined: 11/20/2012

You are welcome.

I understood what you want, but not exactly: that sorting goes on by the folders' names only, or by audio metadata? I know e.g. Rockbox can rearrange the viewing by the metadata, but never saw that on VLC.

Joined: 10/09/2012

By the folders' names only - if I have two folders in my media library with the same name, they get merged into one, and similarly for subfolders.

Joined: 04/13/2013

Thanks for the recommendations. I've been looking to try a new music player

Joined: 05/13/2010

I usually use mpd + ncmpc.

mpd is music player daemon
ncmpc is a ncurses (command line) client

There is a ton of all kinds of clients for mpd if ncurses isn't your thing. You need to edit the mpd config file to set it up.

Joined: 01/22/2011

I also use mpd and is great for large music collections. A playlist of about 5,000 tracks takes only about 8-10 MB of RAM. And you can use a full featured gui frontend to search and filter your collection and afterwards close the gui and let the daemon do the work taking very few resources.

In my opinion mpd sound quality is better than the one from gstreamer based players, as well.

briareoh (not verified)

A very good graphical music frontend is Audacious, or DeadBeef. To managing playlist and large music collection we have rhythmbox.