Disabling services that are controlled by upstart jobs?

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Joined: 09/19/2011

Using the 'service' command, the 'disable' operation is not allowed for upstart jobs. Does this mean the only way to disable such a service is to move its '.conf' file out of '/etc/init'?

Joined: 12/16/2009

The way you're meant to disable Upstart services is like this, in a terminal:

echo "manual" | sudo tee /etc/init/ssh.override

Basically, to disable a service with a config file named ssh.conf, you make a plain text file named ssh.override with the word "manual".

This is what I do when I install Trisquel:

echo "manual" | sudo tee /etc/init/cups.override
echo "manual" | sudo tee /etc/init/smbd.override
echo "manual" | sudo tee /etc/init/ssh.override
sudo stop cups
sudo stop smbd
sudo stop ssh
Joined: 04/07/2011

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 10:02:48PM +0100, name at domain wrote:
> Using the 'service' command, the 'disable' operation is not allowed
> for upstart jobs. Does this mean the only way to disable such a
> service is to move its '.conf' file out of '/etc/init'?

i'd just rename the script(s) in /etc/init to foo.conf.disabled (there are no tools for upstart).


I am a member!

Joined: 09/19/2011

Thanks; I have two ways to do this without removing any init files. I may want to restore this setup to its "factory" default.