DNS leaks
I was setting up a VPN today and the VPN provider noted that "At this point, there is a known issue with DNS Leaks on distributions up to Ubuntu 16.04LTS (and its dependencies and parents)." More here: https://protonvpn.com/support/linux-vpn-setup/#optionA
Since Trisquel is based on Ubuntu, do DNS leaks potentially affect Trisquel as well?
Try https://hidester.com/dns-leak-test/
"Use your VPN, and run the Hidester DNS leak test to see if your real IP address is still being displayed."
name at domain wrote:
> Try https://hidester.com/dns-leak-test/
https://dnsleaktest.com/ does the same job (as far as I know) but does not
require Javascript which means you don't need to worry about executing code
that could be malware.
It would be good to know if one DNS test does something another does not do
and whether the difference is significant.