downgrade xorg version and hold it

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Joined: 10/17/2021


I use a notebook with SIS driver and had to solve this problem:

Now, out of curiosity, I have installed a new Linux distribution and it is based on Ubuntu 22.04. Unfortunately, the above solution does not work there. I think it's because of the xorg version. It is 1.21. On trisquel it is 1.20 and works fine.

How can I downgrade xorg and then hold it? I think I also need to hold it on trisquel to prevent an update to 1.21.

I am using trisquel mini.

Joined: 09/13/2010

"I have installed a new Linux distribution..."
Are you sure there isn't a gnu in there somewhere? :)

"How can I downgrade xorg..."
Doesn't this depend on the distro, and if they provide packages for the desired version? Aside from the generic answer of "download and compile it from source"?

Joined: 05/20/2022

Trisquel 10 Nabia is supported until April 2025, which should give you about two years to find a way to sharpen your screen on the next versions of the X server. Trisquel 11 Aramo has version 21.1.3 for the xserver-xorg-core package. Trisquel 10 Nabia has 1.20.13 indeed. It looks like Trisquel may never ship with a 1.21.x version.

Joined: 12/20/2021

Trisquel isn't a linux distribution.

Joined: 05/20/2022

Can you see flying penguins?

Joined: 10/17/2021

I see, there is hope :-) And in the worst case I have to live without SIS Driver, with a slightly worse resolution.

Joined: 05/20/2022

Note that version numbering for the X server has changed at some point in 2021, which may have created some confusion at the time: what was supposed to be 1.21.x according to the previous versioning scheme became 21.1.x after a new lead dev stepped in. You can find all the details there:;O=D. Just do CTRL+F to highlight "xorg-server" and scroll down. Your feared 1.21.x version may well be the 21.1.x version in Trisquel 11.

That still leaves two years for the problem that affects your screen resolution to be possibly mitigated in future 21.1.x versions. After which, uncle Ubuntu may decide to switch to XWayland instead, or just Wayland. It feels like we have been hearing about Wayland for a while now, but the X server is mostly just doing the job, and it looks like it is not dead any more, so it may still be around for a while.

Joined: 10/17/2021

If I use this command:

xdpyinfo | grep version

I get for trisquel the xorg version 1.20.11 and for Runtu (Ubuntu 22.04)

The script to install the SIS driver is here:

If I execute the commands, that are in the top part of the script, then a different script is downloaded! But I think the only difference is the variable for the xorg version, see file attachment.

So I have tried just to put the variable to 1.21, but that don't help. It looks, as the problem is inside of the driver?

After the installation, that runs without errors, the drivers are in the correct folder and also the xorg.conf is in the correct folder.

Well, this all the information I could get up to know :-(

AttachmentSize 2.77 KB
Joined: 01/04/2013

At the git clone, it runs "git checkout for-xorg-1.20". That doesn't match your version, but has settings to ignore the ABI:

Section "ServerFlags"
Option "IgnoreABI" "True"

That should be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

Joined: 10/17/2021

Thanks for the tip, I tried it, but X does not start at the boot. The xorg.conf was:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "sis671"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
DisplaySize 305 189 # In millimeters

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"
Device "Configured Video Device"

Section "ServerFlags"
Option "IgnoreABI" "True"

At rasdark there is a subfolder "Ubuntu". In this is a very short readme. Obviously there is a problem with Ubuntu and rasdark's solution. I tried to use the two drivers from the Ubuntu folder and the xorg.conf. The result was that X was started, but with the normal resolution, as with vega. I then still tried, in the xorg.conf to adjust the screen resolution, but to no avail.

Well, it's a pity, because I would have liked to work with Runtu for a while. Maybe the time will come when I will have another notebook, without SIS driver and then the problem will be solved.

Joined: 01/04/2013

Move that /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-sis.conf .

Move, not copy.

Also, what's the content of /var/log/Xorg.0.log?

Joined: 10/17/2021

Ok, I'll try, but not anymore today.

I think you're talking about this xorg.conf in the ubuntu folder. I will also test it with my normal xorg.conf. Then I'll post the results here.

Thank you!

Joined: 10/17/2021

I tested different variants, but unfortunately none worked.

a) With the files of "ubuntu" folder X starts, but normally with vesa.

b) With your addition for the xorg.conf there is no improvement.

c) Using the installation method and the xorg.conf original with your addition, X does not start.

I think that the problem with Ubuntu is probably more complicated. And it seems that "fevangelou" did not find a solution to this. Well, not so bad :-)