Downloading videos from youtube with "$ avideo *video-url*" gives me only the sound.
When I download videos from youtube using the
avideo *insert url here*
and then play the video in VLC, only the sound is playing, no image :/
is this usual?
Does it happen with all videos? Can you get video with mps-youtube or youtube-viewer? It could be a DRM thing.
Does it happen with all videos?
It seems so.
Can you get video with mps-youtube or youtube-viewer?
I would like to download the videoes, not only stream
> I would like to download the videoes, not only stream
youtube-viewer can download.
Some more things to try:
Do the videos play properly in mpv? While this is a slightly different situation, I've found that with mps-youtube I get only audio in vlc but it works fine with mpv.
Does the video download properly with youtube-dl? If something can be downloaded with youtube-dl and not avideo it may have something to do with proprietary JavaScript.
Do the videos play properly in mpv?
It does! :) Why is this? You say it has to do with "mps-youtube", what is that?
mps-youtube is a cli program that searches YouTube for videos to stream with your preferred player. It is similar to youtube-viewer. With both programs, I have found that mpv works better than vlc. youtube-dl and avideo are a little different in that rather than provide your media player with a url to stream from they download the content and save it to disk, but it sounds like even these downloaded files work better in mpv than vlc. Perhaps there is something about the format of YouTube videos that vlc has trouble with. Regardless of the reason, it sounds like the problem is solved if you're happy with mpv.
Awesome! :)
You can also use get-flash-videos in Trisquel pakages if it works
$ get_flash_video #your url#
Or if you prefer open it in a browser by having the video adress
$ get_flash_video --info #your url#
Sometimes it asks you to choose the file.
Is that a package that works the same way as avideo? Downloading videos, but not if it has to run proprietary javascript?
Thanks!:) I was satisfied with mason's suggestions though:
GrevenGull, you can try forcing avideo to download a specific version of the video. Just run "avideo -F URL" to see available formats, and then run "avideo -f format URL" e.g. "avideo -f 43 URL". You can also check which format you downloaded using mediainfo.
Thanks! :) I was satisfied with mason's solution though:
What are the codecs of the video which was downloaded?
This will give us such information:
avprobe -i "[Video path without these braces.]"
ffprobe -i "[Video path without these braces.]"
2018-01-29T19:00:03+0100 name at domain wrote:
> When I download videos from youtube using the
> avideo *insert url here*
> and then play the video in VLC, only the sound is playing, no image :/
> is this usual?
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
(apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.
Thanks for helping, although I am satisfied with mason's solution:
You're welcome! :D
2018-01-30T19:06:31+0100 name at domain wrote:
> Thanks for helping, although I am satisfied with mason's solution: