Editing figures made with Visio

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I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

When I use LibreOffice to open a document in MS word format, if the document has figures that were made with Visio (Microsoft proprietary programme), they open in read-only mode. There is a button "edit the document" but when I click there nothing happens.

Does anyone know a way to edit such kind of figures with Libreoffice or with another free software tool?

Joined: 04/23/2015

Maybe inkscape or dia? - https://answers.launchpad.net/inkscape/+question/73653

Also, can you open it up with LibreOffice Draw?


I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

It is not a visio document, it is a figure made with visio in a word document.

I have read that Inkscape can open visio files and save to visio files but I cannot find a way to open the figure made by visio in the word file.

When I open the document in LibreOffice Writer, the figure opens with LibreOffice Draw, but it is read-only, it cannot be edited in the document. The figure alone can be saved but only in odg format.

If I add a figure in odg format, anyone opening the document with MS word cannot see it. If I want to edit the document, it is a requirement that someone using MS word should be able to edit it, so converting it to a picture is not a possible solution.

Joined: 05/20/2022

Would any of the export options in Draw be a solution? I see for instance "EMF - Enhanced Metafile" or "WMF - Windows Metafile" in the list of available formats under "File" > "Export..."

Never tried any of these, because I never needed to, but they may be worth exploring in your case. Note that Draw will normally export one page at a time.