ElectronMail unofficial desktop client for ProtonMail

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Joined: 03/24/2024

Not many people knows about its existence but there's a unofficial client on Github (https://github.com/vladimiry/ElectronMail) with a file deb to install it and its licence is GPL3.0.
Do you think Trisquel or other repository like the FSF one itself will include this software in the future?


I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

In my very limited understanding, Electron is a kind of embedded Chromium, which is listed at https://libreplanet.org/wiki/List_of_software_that_does_not_respect_the_Free_System_Distribution_Guidelines, so maybe it won't be included.

People who use the paid version of protonmail can install hydroxide from guix. This is a bridge for IMAP, then they can use their preferred email client (icedove, evolution, claws-mail, sylpheed, mutt, etc).