experience with Trisquel mini
Yes, it is.
Are there any issues you haven't figured out or I haven't addressed?
The fact its difficult to grab the window edges was a problem for me too at first. You will find after using the pc for a while, you will be able to grab the window edges just fine. I think the main reason is windows and mac osx default to a much much slower mouse pointer. You can try to adjust your settings, Even if its already on the lowest setting click and move the bar anyways..
I don't know what in the world could be causing cpu issues? You asked how to update your kernel but I thought you already did that when you said it fixed your backlight issue. If icecat is causing cpu issues I would recommend using the default abrowser.
Same with me. I find it insanely hard to select and drag window edges,
especially corners. Funnily enough, for me it has nothing to do with mouse
speed; it happens to exclusively in GNOME, and not just under Trisquel
fallback, but 3.14 on Debian.
The 'drag zone' seems to be elusively small.
You still have a problem with it? or are you using a different DE now? Now my muscle memory puts me right on the edge instantly. I can't miss lol. It just takes getting used to.
I use Trisquel GNOME fallback- the default. It was better when I used to use
hmm the default trisquel gnome environment only has a mouse speed parameter adjustable and it is already set as slow as it will go. There is no mouse acceleration parameter, which seems like a strange and important omission, i'll check in MATE too. I'd like to set a slower basic mouse speed than it allows, with acceleration.
i'm trying trisquel on my laptop with my second best trackball, a kensington orbit, certainly plugging in my big kensington expert mouse trackball will make pointing easier, but it shouldn't be necessary - the orbit isn't bad.
I'm coping with it. it depends on theme and window border size too.
I imagine there are manufacturer widgets for trackball management, though i doubt they are free software.
I told you to click and move it anyway. move it up and then back down to low again, and you will notice a diff.
Even Nexuiz has a mouse acceleration setting...
mouse acceleration would make the issue worse.
mouse acceleration makes it better by allowing a slower basic mouse speed, which then accelerates when you move the mouse fast. however if the slowest basic speed isn't slow enough then that's the real problem.
There's an acceleration slider in MATE, which works, but the other slider is called sensitivity, not speed and doesn't seem to do anything.
moving the slider up and down again in gnome didn't seem to help with getting a slower basic speed. i will try again though.
i probably need a more complete utility that supports different settings for different devices, lets me turn the laptop trackpad off etc... i am looking... i'm sure there's something out there
i installed gpointing, which is on the right track in that it lets me see the devices separately, but it doesnt include speed and acceleration settings per device
moue acceleration would make your issue worse imo.
I told you it works in the default gnome install too. Even though it shows it all the way to left on a default install, You actually have to click it and move it around. Consider it a bug I guess... move it to the right, then all the way back to the left.
If you don't notice it being much slower, then thats mysterious....
the cpu issues are now fixed as long as I don't use libreJS. it is odd though since libreJS seemed fine on my earlier triquel mini install, and is also fine on icecat for osx (though that is on different hardware)