Flidas Artwork
The latest update to T8 brought artwork.
New wallpaper.

New ISOs available (March 20, 2018). I must say, it looks and works great. My ASRock Ion 330 Atom box flies (this on a USB live session).
Hi people from everywhere:
Yesterday I downloaded the last Trisquel's .ISO (Flidias) and I verified it. The first time I did it the md5sum was not coincident, so I downloaded the .ISO again, with the same result:
1. The md5sum calculated for the .ISO that I downloaded is: faa0dfab9582ad70e5d0ddadb1d069af
2. The md5sum published in the web of the project is: 3848629d433baad78d64d507a89bef65
Maybe I am making some mistake. Has somebody had the same issue?
Thanks a lot in advance
Yeah, there's something going on. I get the same "faa" as you but not the stated md5sum.
Well, at least our separate downloads are identical but the checksum is not matching with the md5 file on the server, I'm afraid.
I cannot replicate this:
# devel server
ruben@devel:/home/systems/makeiso2/iso$ md5sum trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso
3848629d433baad78d64d507a89bef65 trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso
# office workstation, after wget
ruben@deskstation:~$ md5sum trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso
3848629d433baad78d64d507a89bef65 trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso
There must have been an earlier ISO dated 03-20 because I get a different md5 checksum between the ISO I downloaded on the 21st and today the 23rd. I used wget and BSD-md5, not GNU-md5sum on my FreeBSD box.
I also downloaded the ISO today on my Trisquel 8 box using wget and GNU-md5sum; it gives the same, proper checksum that's intended (not the one beginning with "faa" but rather with "3848").
So all is OK now, but I'd like to know if the image was ever modified since it was first uploaded to the server (between 21st and today 23rd, that is).
More likely you downloaded a test, I built a couple images in a row with small changes, that night.
I had experienced a similar occurrence so I made a couple of tests right now: downloading from the "download" page with abrowser yielded the "faa" ISO; using wget got me the proper one, and then downloading again with the browser (as I had started to think about the site cache being somehow the culprit) gave me also the proper ISO.
In short: I still don't know exactly what's going on, it may have to do with caching at some level, but there's definitely something. I'll look further into it.
Today (4 April 2018 UTC+8) I've also found an upload of Trisquel mini 8 from the server, and downloaded that to be installed at once. LXQt and MATE desktops thanks?
No thank you to the rain / wet look. I like the blue - green color scheme.
I saw this come up on mine and was like "Hey! Someone got my Flidas all wet!"
Will this new wallpaper be the default for the final Flidas release? I much preferred the previous default. The default MATE theme and icons worked well over the low-contrast blue background but clash with the new raindrop one.
The new wallpaper is growing on me, but as an experiment I tried to make it feel a little more congruent with the icon theme. I took the original (flidas.jpg) and the color gradient of the home folder icon (blue.png) and decomposed both images into LAB components. I then recomposed the lightness component of flidas.png with the color components of blue.png (flidas-blue.png). Screenshot as wallpaper (screenshot.png) is attached. I don't know how to take a screenshot from lightdm, but I think it looks better as a background there too.
Wow, it looks neat! This might be interesting as an enhancement. Would you agree on having it included upstream?
Sure! The image attached in my comment is lower resolution than the original because the full resolution image exceeded the maximum upload size. Where should I upload the full resolution image?
Here are some screenshots using the both the original background and the bluified one for comparison. My version isn't necessarily better. The colors in the original are beautiful and more interesting than the blue version, but I think the blue works better with some of the icons and makes the white text on the desktop more readable.
I’m happy using the Trisquel wallpapers for my Parabola system, thanks to the artowrks here anyway. :)
The wallpaper looks really pleasing!