FN keys doesn't work
Hello everybody!
I'am a total newbie in GNU/Linux operating systems but I like the philosohy of the Free software movement, so I install Trisquel mini 6.0 in my Asus Eee PC X101CH-EU17-WT to have a total free distro. It works great except for some minor bugs like the FN keys doesn't work at all. I research in many forums trying to find a solution for this but none of the solutions worked for me. The only solution that I didn't test is that adding a snipet to grub with the following commands:
Open up Terminal and enter the following
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
Look for the line that says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and add this
Save it and then update Grub
sudo update-grub
When I do "sudo gedit /etc/default/grub" in the terminal its output me "sudo: gedit: command not found". How can I Fix this? and, Is there another solution for make FN keys works?
Guys, I tried to do the "sudo gedit /etc/default/grub" manually by searching the folder and by editing the file with Leafpad but I can't save it with modifications, a message appears saying "Can't open file to write", I checked the permissions and it says that the owner is in read and write;group in read only;other in read only. I tried to put all acces control in read and write but it gives me ": Error setting permissions: Operation not permitted".
Maybe substitute "gedit" with "leafpad"?
I tried but when I'm going to save the file with the modification appears a message saying "Can't open file to write".
Thanks for your comment!
There are two possibilities:
1. you use nano instead of gedit; the command should be found:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
It's a little command line text editor, very simple to use. Just press ctrl and x to exit; you will be asked whether to save or not.
answer with yes
2. you figure out why gedit doesn't work.
Does /usr/bin/gedit exist?
are you able to edit with
sudo /usr/bin/gedit
and then : file > open "/etc/default/grub"
If not, just do a
sudo apt-get install gedit
to make sure it is installed.
You were searching the folder manually probably with nautilus and without root permissions.
You can try the same thing, but open up nautilus with
sudo nautilus
Thanks for your comment!
The gedit was not installed so I finally do the modification to "/etc/default/grub" but this does not fixed the FN keys problem. Any other solution for this?
I know that at least some laptops have FN keys that only work with special proprietary software they add to Windows. My laptop which was from Toshiba is an example, and my sister has a similar problem with her laptop from Toshiba.
Sometimes this can be a real pain. In my case, this means I can't use the keyboard to enable/disable the touchpad, so I need to use a mouse to do so at the level of the window manager (luckily, my touchpad was enabled at the level of the hardware when I wiped out Windows).
Can you toggle it with
synclient TouchpadOff=1
synclient TouchpadOff=0
If yes, you could then bind that to some key combo. System settings > keyboard > shortcuts.
One thing you could try is a newer kernel. This is probably the easiest way http://jxself.org/linux-libre/
>sudo gedit
It's better to use gksudo to run graphical programs. While it's true only some graphical programs require this, it's better to do so categorically to avoid nasty permissions problems.
Welcome to freedom!
I fixed all the problems installing Trisquel 6.0 (not the "mini" version). It runs a little bit slower but, after that, it works perfectly. I guess the root of the problem was a lack of packages in the "mini" version, but as I said, is a guess.
Thank you all for your support!