Forum software?

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Joined: 03/12/2013

Hello all,

A simple question here. I could not find an obvious answer for it, other than guessing. So here goes:

What type of forum software is powering

My guess was some type of hacked-up solution which is powered by Drupal. That is just my guess and I am totally unfamiliar with Drupal, to be honest. Actually, I have never bothered to even try it; I just never understood what was supposed to be so good with it.

But as for, I must say, you have done a darn good job at making it all look rather nice! I like it.

Well, that is all. I'm looking forward to Trisquel 8!


Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Yes, it is Drupal. I believe this functionality belongs to the core (not a module). Drupal's forums are very similar: