Free map alternative?
Looking for maps, specifically road maps, but if you got terrain maps suggestions as well, bring it on.
Replicant and Trisquel and OsmAnd? See also:
The F-Droid states this about OsmAnd (or "Maps & GPS Navigation OsmAnd+"):
- This app contains non-free assets
- This app promotes non-free network services
- This app promotes non-free add-ons"
Do you have any knowledge as to what these anti-features are? Like "non-free assets" sounds bad, but what does it mean?
Anyway thanks for the links
In desktop GNU systems like Parabola or Trisquel every nonfree anti-features will be blacklisted against approved packages.
However and unfortunately, in the mobile worlds, nonfree services against us aren’t always easy to be filtered, there’re even sometimes just the free clients for the nonfree services. Up to now F-droid not yet has ideas to keep against these excuses of nonfree frameworks.
To deeply explain why you will need to read more from Replicant, they will be more knowledgeable for mobiles nonfree issues than here. :)
Yeah, that's probably a good idea to read a little bit over at Replicant
I am a user of this app, So I am a little familiar with the anti-features.
Non-free assets: The graphics/rendering styles don't seem to be under a free license.
Non-free network services/addons: I think this is to do with the Mapillary plugin, which is not enabled by default.
Unless the non-free network services means the server where you download the maps from. But I don't find that likely.
For desktops you will need to install Marble from KDE that’s an OSM frontend, both available for Parabola (rolling) and Trisquel (LTS), I’m now a keen user (Marble-Qt w/o KDE deps). :)
can't you just use Or does that require JS or something?
Yes, It requires JS. It is also SaaSS. Still way better than using Google Maps, though.
I have yet to find a desktop client I am happy with. gnome-maps is the only one with which I've managed to get directions from address to address (as opposed to city to city), but there doesn't seem to be a way to download maps for offline use.
I haven't looked into Replicant clients. Keep in mind that at that this time no Replicant phones have working GPS, so you will only be able to use OpenStreetMap for routing, not navigation.
OpenStreetMap for Replicant was appearantly not an option considering the anti-features.
Have you tried Marble which was suggested above?
> OpenStreetMap for Replicant was appearantly not an option considering the anti-features.
I'm not sure what anti-features you are referring to. I know that Navit is in F-Droid, so there is at least one OpenStreetMap client available or Replicant.
> Have you tried Marble which was suggested above?
Yes, but I was only able to get directions to a city. It didn't work for directions to a specific address.
I see, I'll check out the Navit :)
Navit is quite nice that's also present in Parabola (, I will taste then feed back first. :9
Remember I don't have links for Marble above, :D
I see you talk a lot about Parabola and have a Parabola logo in your prof pic.
I was trying to install Parabola (I tried all the different isos) and followed the "beginner's guide" very carefully, but it didn't work.
Have any tips?
Try "complete" live ISO installers which install offline using Calamares (,, then run arch-chroot to remove systemd for you,
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /opt && sudo arch-chroot /opt
pacman -Rccnnssuu --noconfirm systemd && pacman -Syy --noconfirm --force parabola-keyring archlinux-keyring
sudo reboot -fi
sudo pacman -Su --noconfirm --needed --force base-openrc openrc-base nano sed sudo mlocate efibootmgr gptfdisk update-grub linux-libre mkinitcpio openrc-desktop xorg xorg-apps xorg-drivers qterminal guix scrot screenfetch gparted openbox obconf-qt plasma breeze breeze-icons oxygen oxygen-icons trisquel-themes ark xfce4 arora trojita marble-qt navit qtox quassel-monolithic telegram-desktop libmtp mtpfs
rm -rfv /var/cache/pacman/pkg/* /var/log/* /tmp/* && updatedb
mkdir -pv /home/hd_scania/Desktop && useradd hd_scania && passwd -dl hd_scania && passwd -dl root && passwd hd_scania
nano /etc/sudoers
hd_scania ALL=(ALL) ALL
nano /etc/sudoers.d/hd_scania
As a rage removal of systemd you will mostly need to reinstall parts of base packages.
You should also want to install Openbox-Plasma, Xfce, plenties of online apps, finally few system goodies.
There should be sudoers missing after an upgrade, add yourself again if really missing. :D
> Try "complete" live ISO installers which install offline using Calamares
Tried it, didn't work, perhaps Parabola is not compatible with MacBook Pro 9,1
I need to confirm that, is your MacBook Librebootable? Read here, :)
I have some troubles with Navit.
When I try to download maps, the download process will not initiate.
This did not happen to you?
> "[OpenStreetMap] requires JS."
Is any of that JS proprietary though? My understanding is that all JS used at is available under free licenses. Would appreciate any links indicating otherwise, so I can hit them up about it.
> "It is also SaaSS"
Only if there is client-side software already available that can do the same job. Otherwise "SaaSS" is meaningless, because in theory any website could have its functions provided by a P2P client-side app at some time in the future.
> Is any of that JS proprietary though?
Not as far as I know.
> Otherwise "SaaSS" is meaningless, because in theory any website could have its functions provided by a P2P client-side app at some time in the future.
is a good point, but in this case
> Only if there is client-side software already available that can do the same job.
there are OSM desktop and mobile clients.
> there are OSM desktop and mobile clients
I tried all of the suggested clients, but none seemed to work for me.
So I need to clarify what your task actually is. You would also like to get help using your clarified tasks here to ask for once more in OSM forums. :)
Well I struggled with all of them with even basic tasks like searching for a place and let the map show me where it is.
But none of them were able to guide me with directions from one place to another.
Of course, it might be that it was just me who was not able to figure it out, but in that case it was not intuitive, and I see that as a problem itself with any program.
If you have to have extensive tech knowledge to use a program, I reckon that as a problem, or at least something that should be given in the information bit upon downloading.