Free Remote Desktop Protocol Library & Windows Portable Runtime Library

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Joined: 12/07/2019

Good morning,
As my computer is never used remotely does it need the RDP and PRLibrary software or do other apps & progs require it ?

I ask because 1.0 MB of security updates are available.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

I do not know what is the PRLibrary. As for the libfreerdp-* packages, you can remove them. However you would have to remove VLC as well: it depends on them, probably to be able to receive a stream using the RDP protocol:

Also, I do not think there is anything to gain but a few MB on the disk.

Joined: 12/07/2019

The PRLibrary was me being messy and should have been Windows Portable Runtime Library WPRL.
I use VLC for radio streams, so thats good to know. Will update now. Thanks.