Free software?

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Joined: 02/14/2011

I'm new to Trisquel. I get that the OS is a libre distro approved by the FSF, but does this mean that all of the software that you are allowed to get from the repositories are also free software? Or does this just apply to the OS and the OS updates?

Michał Masłowski

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Joined: 05/15/2010

What is the difference between the OS and the repositories? All our
repositories contain only free software, while you can use other
repositories that might contain nonfree software and aren't recommended
by us.

Joined: 02/14/2011

Thanks. The apps under "Add/Remove Applications" come from repositories, do they not? These are what I was referring to. The are not part of the OS. Are all of these apps free software or is there a mix of free and open source?

Joined: 03/29/2011

They are. Or at least it is meant to be.

Those are merged from the Universe repo of Ubuntu: "Community maintainted free software". Multiverse and restricted are ignored in Trisquel.


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Yes, the packages from the "Add/Remove Applications" section do come from the repositories. Any packages that are available either in the base install or via the Trisquel repositories must follow the Guidelines for Free System Distributions. So yes anything you install via the add/remove applications will be free software.

Two small notes though. Trisquel is developed by humans and thus not perfect. Occasionally a non-free program or file may slip into the distro. If you ever find one please report the issue and it will be corrected. Also if you do add on a third-party repository we can not obviously vouch for the content of that repository and claim that all software coming from it is free. You do so at your own risk.


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I delete the add/remove applications but don´t know how to get it back.
I don´t know the package name in synaptic. Can someone help me?


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Joined: 07/27/2012

What do you mean by "deleting the add/remove applications"? There is no such a package. Are you referring to the menu entry? If so, you can add it back to the menu with the "Main menu" menu editor which you can find in the System settings.

Joined: 05/13/2010



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Thanks for your help.


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Joined: 02/25/2010

Yes, that's correct. Not only is the base installation of Trisquel free, all of the software in the repositories is also free.

Joined: 05/13/2010

And should you find software in the repositories that isn't free software, file a bug and it will be promptly removed.

Joined: 02/14/2011

Thanks for all your help in clarifying this! Much appreciated.