hi all
I want install gcc5
Is there any deb repository?
or must I build it from source???
i cant see it in the repo's so i think you will have to compile from source:
do you know how to compile it?
> do you know how to compile it?
Yes I did it more than once
It's in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test?field.series_filter=trusty .
(It calls itself "restricted", whatever that might mean, but if you just take GNU it's going to surely be entirely free, right?)
>It calls itself "restricted", whatever that might mean
That's apparently supported non-free software per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_os#Package_classification_and_support
"but if you just take GNU it's going to surely be entirely free, right?"
well yes