Getting Keyring Password prompt

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Joined: 05/22/2024

Trisquel 11, abrowser 126

Recently moving off windows. Trying to enter credit card, saved card # is displayed, select it, get prompt for the keyring password, administrator password doesn't work? Is a wired connection, permission to all users.

Thanks for any help!

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

In Abrowser's burger menu, there is a entry named "Passwords". See if you find the password there.

That said, I am unsure I have understood you telegraphic style. Please write proper sentences.

Joined: 05/22/2024

Sorry for my terse posting, thanks for your response. I just got the same problem when creating a Mozilla account. Created that account so I can sync the browser. Prompted for Keyring Password, entered administrator password, failed. I cancelled the prompt and things seemed to complete OK, account created. It occurs to me that I never set a root password and the account "administrator" doesn't have any privileges. Forgive me for being so dumb, but I don't remember the root password! so I changed it, we'll see if that password works next time the error occurs. This error seems to have something to do with network permissions, but there is only a cable connection, no wireless. That cable connection is set to enable access for all users. Please bear with me, I am actually having a blast trying to set this system up :)

Joined: 05/22/2024

OK, after much searching(not Googling anymore) I found that the solution(in my case anyway, there are some other solutions to be found) was to delete the directory ~/.local/share/keyrings/ then reboot. Next time I started the browser, I was prompted to create a new password and everything worked OK after that. Keyrings directory was re-created. Hope this helps someone!

Joined: 12/20/2023

I do not know much about saving browser passwords and sync in a browser, but I mostly just use the computer administrator account for Synaptic Package Manager system updates and a user account for most of the other things I do, including using a browser.

I also have an encryption password on my computer as well.

I also use different passwords on each website I use, and do not save them in the browser, but put them in a book.

Though I do not know if you need to use any computer administrator account for saving browser passwords, I thought the browser just does that if you wish it should under a user account, but I do not know.