gnu social
I try gnu social
It looks beautiful
and easy to use
Do you use it??
this my name you can add me
The only problem in it the number of letters
I joined Trisquel a year or so ago, but i never really use it...
But why is there 2 Trisquel GNU Social groups?
I like diaspora more for the variety of content, I rarely go on gnusocial too, mine is name at domain
It's great to see another person from Diaspora, it's a wonderful place. I learned a lot about the FSF from there. :D
Aha!! So you are the misty that complains all the time about google. I used to do that too, now I just changed subject, I now constantly complain about javascript. I wonder if the next one will be the bad weather or the low pensions! x_X
I am "gargamello" on dias-por-a, add me, I luuuuv cats pictures, I post only cats pictures ^^
you know I've been consistent on my rants about goo. :)
Wow I am so glad to see friends from D. You've been so helpful to me, thank you so much. I wish I had your tech skills. Thanks for all you share. :D
yw, misty!
p.S: I have no tech skills, I only read a lot on the subjects I am interested in. This forum was a blessing when I started. It still is. As I already told you in another thread, you just need to persist, read, read, read, tinker, read, read, tinker, repeat * 100000. :)
Funny, I have the opposite preference. I use Diaspora occasionally (strypey [at] joindiaspora [dot] com), but I'm much more active on GNU Social (strypey [at] quitter [dot] se). I find I get into back and forth discussions more regularly on GNU Social.
Diaspora offers much more diverse content ,one can have private chats, upload pictures, link to videos,share music or any other stuff one wish's (a set back is you have to activate Javascript)
I did'nt use GNUSocial enough to have a proper idea of it
if there are 2, I wonder which one is the official one. Maybe I saw one of them awhile ago; it didn't seem very active.
I don't believe either is "official" per se. I would join the one with more members.
I looked at the jonkman site, it's described as a microblogging service.
In fact I saw an anti-google group, looked tempting to join but I think the last message is 3 months old; I'll peek at it again sometime.
Deleted a message I put here by mistake.
I use GNU social. I am taknamay at quitter dot se. I also use Diaspora* very occasionally, but I prefer GNU social because it has non-web clients.
I'm using Diaspora, and now thanks to you, I'm curious to see GNU social :)
I'm bitcoin on loadaverage dot org
its seme I will remove my gnu social
i'm Feel I'm alone there
BTW, I'm in Diaspora
Is Diaspora more active than GNUsocial? If so, I'll register to that as well.
Amazon corp? how horrible! the members of that forum need to know. I didn't know how evil amazon is till recently.
Describing as "a subsidiary of the Amazon corporation" is unfair. They use a hosting service owned by Amazon to host their pod. End of story. Would it be fair to describe Trisquel as a "subsidiary" of whatever company owns the datacentre that hosts the Trisquel homepage?
Most free software websites and free network services use hosting services owned by corporations, because there are very few affordable alternatives. Unless you have the ability to set up your own server machines in your own datacentre ("colocation" or "colo") like, you have to lease hosting in a corporate datacentre. So people generally look for the best performance to cost ratio, and "cloud" services are generally the most cost-effective because they make the most efficient use of their hardware.
alimiracle, want me to mention you on GNU social? I think a lot of my followers would mutually follow you.
diaspora ftw :)
I'm in Diaspora* too:
flam3boy at joindiaspora dot com
Which pods do you use?
I just joined Diaspora on as [redacted], feel free to add me.
name at domain
add me
This my Account
alimiracle [at] pod [dot] geraspora [dot] de
I just quit diaspora, so I'll have to find a new place. D was a wonderful place, till I accidentally found sneaky sites lurking there, and the worst one of all on one of the pages. I will miss getting my alternative news from there.
>I just quit diaspora, so I'll have to find a new place. D was a wonderful place, till I accidentally found sneaky sites lurking there
whaat? why? w00t? Elaborate please.
I'm so sorry I had to leave. Here's the reasons: #1, they use javascript, I always have to temporarily allow it. I did post a message about that and the exact wording. Then I saw something called newrelic, that lurks there, I could block that and usually the site would run ok, they have some kind of script running, occasionally a message pops up about a script being busy, but I also believe they're a tracker. Then yesterday, when I was on the #chat thread, I accidentally did a right click and saw goo analytics, soundcloud, and one other site lurking there. This is all revealed through NoScript.
What I wanna know is, if I go to a page and as quickly as possible, block goo and whatever, if I have successfully prevented them from getting in. For the past few days I've been using Tor, but before that I used IceCat, but NEVER saw goo at D, except once on another pod, it was on the front page at The RealTalk, it was a picture of a cup of coffee, if I remember right, and there was some link to goo on that, goo graphics, if I recall right, but I hadn't seen goo anyplace else on any D pod I've been on.
At that time I was on the Mac using FF, but NEVER suspected goo would be on any pod, though I was told by someone, if we make our posts public, somehow goo gets them, but I think so do the other search sites.
So, being this thread is about GNU Social, I should include that I went to some sites to see what lurks there, it seems there are pods like D. I will find one to try and HOPE they don't allow goo, but if they use javascript, then it seems the other evil stuff is more likely to be there.
The net is all I have for socialization, but constantly dodging those sneaky things is causing me too much stress. I don't know if I'll try another D pod or go back to RealTalk or what but I have to get on IRC and go to the Tor group and ask them some questions, then I'm gonna contact some other people about this sneaky entrapment stuff.
Sometime today I'll return to the GNU Social page and see if anything looks good to try.
I think we got off track on this thread, so, I offer my apologies to the OP, though others mentioned D here too. We could discuss this in my thread. I'd really love to chat with you somewhere and keep you as a friend. There's a few others on D I would have liked to remain friends with too.
On GNU social, by default you do not need javascript. For the Twitter-like "Qvitter" interface, it needs to be disabled manually. Some sites will detect automatically if you have javascript disabled, and show you the JS-free site.
Also, there is an API with desktop and mobile clients, which is of course JS-free.
thanks for explaining. Now I just have to pick one to try.
>Also, there is an API with desktop and mobile clients, which is of course JS-free
I'd like to check that out.
Misty, use ublock origin in advanced mode to selectively block scripts and hosts, or block hosts via /etc/hosts.
But honestly, your reaction seems exaggerated, to say the least, again you worry too much. Btw you can use several pods in onionland, .onion address, so, if you in a warrior mood go warrior mode, meh.
I had Ublock Origin on other browsers, but I'm not sure how to use it- but I did play with it a little though. If I'm using Tor, I know they don't recommend extra add-ons, so maybe I should go back to IceCat? but .onion is a Tor thing, right? I'll go read some stuff at Tor's site.
In another thread I saw you say HexChat is more secure than Pidgin, and less bloated, so I'll get that back too.
I was hoping to discuss this stuff in my thread, or one about browser security, sine this one got derailed so badly. I was searching for threads about browser security, which would be more appropriate for the stuff I've been mentioning here that's unrelated to the main topic.
>In another thread I saw you say HexChat is more secure than Pidgin, and less bloated
Well, if we are talking about IRC alone, sure, hexchat is a way less bloated option and also a more secure one. If Pidgin, just make sure it is the latest version.
warrior, aye? hehheheh you. :D Yea maybe I reacted over the top, but I want you to know I appreciate your honesty.
When I had winblows, I saw the hosts file, but haven't seen that anyplace else.
I may have to go back to IceCat because their fonts are better for me. A few days ago I tried getting your prefs in there but forgot how, so I re-read your instructions and will try again before using it. I have Ublock there already, so I just have to tweak it.
I still have to see which gnu social group I wanna try, though I miss the news I got from D. I'll have to see what this onionland is about, as I recall, it's a Tor thing.
Thank you for all your help. :)
My understanding is that if you are using Tor, and then log into a normal website, you are automatically identifying yourself, which defeats the purpose of using Tor. If you want to log into a site while using Tor, you need to find their .onion address and login there (other forum members please correct me if I've got this wrong).
I really don't get how this topic gets so misinterpreted by many..
If you login into a website while using TorBB and that website has your true IP for you already logged in not using any encryption (VPN, Tor), one time is enough, then for sure the owner of the website has a very easy job at identifying you.
Remember: one time is enough, even if it was say 5 years ago - if the owner of the website keeps logs indefinitely, he can very easily find the IP with which you logged in that one single time with your real IP. Then the matter of finding name and surname is trivial, all it takes is one call to your ISP (they do keep logs, and for a long time, in most countries AFAIK).
If you create an account for a website while in TorBB and you **always** login and use it with the TorBB then you are anonymous.
there is some mass media like BBC through a Pod Feeder that Publishes RSS/Atom feeds to Diaspora
ps: Warf...i'm discovered...bzzzzzzzzzzz..!

Thanks for the link. It looks like if I wanna use D, I have to deal with js.
LOL about that ps and pic. :)