Guide how to use My Private Internet Access VPN

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Joined: 10/15/2014

This guide is for Trisquel 7.

Step 1 Open a terminal by pressing alt+f2 and then typing in gnome-terminal and then press enter.

Step 2 After that type "cd Downloads" without the quotes and press enter next type "sudo wget" without the quotes and press enter.

Step 3 Open nautilus and go to Downloads folder than right click on then select extract here.

Step 4 Next left click on the network icon in trisquel panel then select edit when the window opens click on Add following that left click on the arrow pointing down to get the drop down menu when the drop down menu appears click on import a saved vpn configuration then select create. Now navigate to the openvpn folder you extracted in Downloads folder select any file ending in ovpn file extension after the period. When the window opens enter in your user name and password you received with the email you got from my private internet access. Following that click on save

Step 5 After that right click on network icon in trisquel panel navigate to vpn connections then select the location name of the ovpn file you opened and then saved in network connections. It should connect after that.

Warning: Do not remove the openvpn folder you created after the extraction. Because the ca.crt file is used from that folder.


FYI: I am not an expert I just kept on trying different ways until it worked.
Help: Do you really need to do this? "Move ca.crt and crl.pem to /etc/openvpn" Step 5 from: The vpn works without me doing that step.

How can I add this forum post to trisquel documentation?

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

The documentation is a wiki. You are invited to contribute to it.

I believe your three first steps can be summed up in "Download and extract it" (you can download it however you want, extract it wherever you want and, more importantly, I believe there is no reason to use 'sudo'). On the contrary, the current "Step 4" could be split. Screenshots would be great too (but that is a little more work).

Moving ca.crt and crl.pem to /etc/openvpn must make the operation effective to any user of the system. This time, administrative rights are needed to write in /etc/openvpn. Once done, the directory you extracted can be safely removed I believe.

Joined: 10/15/2014

Thanks for your input! I will create screenshots. I will test out to see if moving those files to that folder won't cause problems with the steps in the guide I created.

Joined: 10/15/2014

So? sudo mv ca.crt crl.pem /etc/openvpn
What permissions if any should they receive or is that command not necessary?

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

sudo mv ca.crt crl.pem /etc/openvpn


What permissions if any should they receive or is that command not necessary?

I believe it must be readable by anybody. That must be the case by default. If so, there is no need to 'chmod'.

Mangy Dog

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Copy ca.crt and crl.pem to /etc/openvpn with...
sudo cp ca.crt /etc/openvpn
- then press [enter]
sudo cp crl.pem /etc/openvpn
- then press [enter]

Confirmed they are there with...
ls /etc/openvpn/ -altr
- then press [enter]
You should see within the results something like...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1395 Date/Time ca.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 577 Date/Time crl.pem

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

It looks like a waste of time. 'sudo mv ca.crt crl.pem /etc/openvpn' (like nevermoreraven proposed) should perfectly work. No need to copy the files one by one or to confirm anything.