HLEG ADELE: the European Union has a "High Level Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement"
Here is what is currently discussed in those high level sub-group meetings:
"We love encryption...even if it is end-2-end encryption...but the operator remains responsible to provide understandable data."
Some more contex:
More about the EU going dark:
Kind of an unfortunate acronym. I would have gone with 'Commission on Technical Heuristics Under Logarithmic Hierarchical Ubiquity'. Or CTHULHU for short.
Some believe a lovely logo is worth a thousand acronyms.

The National Technical Support Unit (NTSU) of the Belgian Federal Police delivered the above presentation.
But, you've got to admit, a little tiny spider is not quite as menacing as a planet crushing Kraken.
Those Belgians need to step their logo game up a bit if they want to play in the big leagues.
Clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about.