How can I update KGpg?
I downloaded KGpg Version 2.7.4 from the repositories, but I discovered that the latest version of KGpg is actually 2.9. How can I update KGpg to the latest version?
The versions of all applications (but Abrowser) in Trisquel 6.0 date from April 2012. Since then, only security and severe bug fixes go in through updates. That makes Trisquel a very stable GNU/Linux distribution.
That said you can find on the Internet, more recent versions of "kgpg" that were packaged as a DEB for Ubuntu 12.04 (on which Trisquel 6.0 is based). For instance, I found:
To know your architecture, you can take a look at the first tab of the "System monitor" (or maybe more simply, execute 'arch' in a terminal). To easily install a DEB package (with a double-click on it), you need to first install GDebi (from the package manager). Actually, in your case, you probably want GDebi-KDE.
Now the usual warning: the packages I link to are *not* under Trisquel's control. That means you have to trust its developers and the middle men (those packaging for the Kubuntu-PPA repository) to not include any proprietary code. In particular, to not include any malware.
Thanks. But how did you find these files? How do you know where to look for new updates like these? I tried looking for them by myself before asking for help here, but I did not succeed.
In DuckDuckGo (Abrowser's default search engine), the first result to the query "kgpg ppa" (without the quotes) leads to those packages (that used to be in the PPA "Kubuntu-ppa Backports"). Well, I also changed "raring" into "precise" directly in the URL (Trisquel 6.0 is based on Ubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin").