How can I update KGpg?

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Joined: 09/05/2013

I downloaded KGpg Version 2.7.4 from the repositories, but I discovered that the latest version of KGpg is actually 2.9. How can I update KGpg to the latest version?

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

The versions of all applications (but Abrowser) in Trisquel 6.0 date from April 2012. Since then, only security and severe bug fixes go in through updates. That makes Trisquel a very stable GNU/Linux distribution.

That said you can find on the Internet, more recent versions of "kgpg" that were packaged as a DEB for Ubuntu 12.04 (on which Trisquel 6.0 is based). For instance, I found:

  • This one (if your system only is 32 bits)
  • This one (if your system is 64 bits)

To know your architecture, you can take a look at the first tab of the "System monitor" (or maybe more simply, execute 'arch' in a terminal). To easily install a DEB package (with a double-click on it), you need to first install GDebi (from the package manager). Actually, in your case, you probably want GDebi-KDE.

Now the usual warning: the packages I link to are *not* under Trisquel's control. That means you have to trust its developers and the middle men (those packaging for the Kubuntu-PPA repository) to not include any proprietary code. In particular, to not include any malware.

Joined: 09/05/2013

Thanks. But how did you find these files? How do you know where to look for new updates like these? I tried looking for them by myself before asking for help here, but I did not succeed.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

In DuckDuckGo (Abrowser's default search engine), the first result to the query "kgpg ppa" (without the quotes) leads to those packages (that used to be in the PPA "Kubuntu-ppa Backports"). Well, I also changed "raring" into "precise" directly in the URL (Trisquel 6.0 is based on Ubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin").