How change default screen manager to twm?

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Martha Adams
Joined: 02/09/2016

I'm new to Trisquel and have one starter need. Well, two:

1) How do I change my screen manager to new default simple twm?

2) Where do I look for packages to update my Trisquel to current?

Thanks -- Martha Adams [Tues 2016 Feb 09] name at domain

Joined: 05/13/2010


1) It's a window manager (the wm in the name). If you've installed the package, try logging out and see if you can change the session there.

2) There is an update manager somewhere.
Joined: 01/18/2016

I think if you type sudo apt-get install twm in a command line, and then logout, then when you are about to login again, you will get a circle or symbol near your login name on the login screen that allows you to pick the choice of window manager that you use as default.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

twm? Really? We have had better window manager since the 80s, you know. FVWM is based on twm. If you like something specific about twm, there is a good chance FVWM can have it as well:

Joined: 09/13/2010

Why not twm? It's got some deep roots, being around almost 30 years. I think only uwm might be older. (uwm was "the only X11-compatible window manager as of X11R1" and "in 1986, the X Window System switched to version 11 of the protocol. Only uwm was ported, so it became the only window manager for X Window System until X11R4 release, where it was replaced by twm. uwm has never been updated since.")

At least twm is still maintained! :)