How to disable keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+H and Ctrl+;

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Joined: 07/04/2023

In MATE, the two keyboard shortcuts conflict with the default Emacs keybindings. Where are they defined in MATE? How to disable them?

Ctrl+Alt+H : enable/disable completion
Ctrl+; : pop up clipboard entry

In Emacs, I want to press C-M-h (Ctrl+Alt+H) to run function `mark-defun`. However, the keypress event is hijacked by MATE or GTK, so that `mark-defun` is not run, but a pop-up notification is shown at the upper right corner of the screen. It says "Completion is enabled". If I press Ctrl+Alt+H again, another notification window pops up saying "Completion is disabled". See the screenshot one. In MATE, Ctrl+Alt+H can trigger the completion notification everywhere (globally) no matter what application is activated.

In Emacs, I want to press C-x C-; (Ctrl+X followed by Ctrl+;) to run function `comment-line`. However, the keypress event Ctrl+; is hijacked by MATE or GTK, so that `comment-line` is not run, but a pop-up window is shown near the cursor. It says "Clipboard: a clipboard entry". If I press any key, then the pop-up window disappears. In MATE, as long as the activated window is a text editing control, for example, pluma, Emacs, or an HTML input text box in Trisquel forum's Web page, Ctrl+; always triggers the clipboard pop-up window.

I am sure that these two keyboard shortcuts are not found in MATE Keyboard Shortcuts (`mate-keybinding-properties`). Where are they defined? Is it in GTK? How to disable them?

ctrl_alt_h.png101.6 KB
ctrl_semicolon.png104.11 KB
Joined: 12/20/2023

Maybe in the
Trisquel menu


System > Preferences > HardWare > Keyboard Shortcuts

can help.

Joined: 07/04/2023

Hi Other_Cody,

Thank you for your response.

`System > Preferences > Hardware > Keyboard Shortcuts` is actually `mate-keybinding-properties` (command line). I had already said that I was sure those two shortcuts were not in that list.


I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

I tried on two computers running Trisquel, C-M-h works fine on emacs. When I try C-x C-;, emacs does not react to the C-; but I have no popup at all. Is this one specific to some mode?

At least one of these two computers has a pure default MATE environment, with addition of some applets to the panel as the only configuration.

Joined: 07/04/2023

Hi Avron,

Thank you so much for your response.

You reminded me of my second Trisquel machine (MATE, Dell D620). I tested on it today. Ctrl+Alt+H does not bring up the completion notification. In Pluma, Ctrl+; does not bring up the clipboard history, but enters "e" with an underline, then when I type other letters, all the inputted letters are with an underline, until I press Enter, then all the underline disappears. It seems that Ctrl+; triggers a special input mode. On that machine, there is no Emacs.

I also did another test on my problematic machine (MATE, Thinkpad T530) with a new user account that was created for this test. I observed the same behaviour with that on the Dell machine. Thus, I confirm that even on the same machine, one user account has the shortcuts, the other user account does not.

The CONCLUSION so far is that the two shortcuts are not introduced by MATE or GTK, but something else.

Probably I have ruled out the input method. It must be something else, something that is only available in my main user account.

Joined: 07/04/2023

The two keyboard shortcuts are introduced by the input method engine "fcitx"!

After comparing the installed packages on my two Trisquel machines, I found the suspicious. Then I checked the settings of fcitx, and found the shortcuts in the addons tab.

```dpkg -l > installed_pkgs.txt```

I was able to disable these two shortcuts in fcitx, then they had not interfered anymore.