How many Lesbian bisexuals, homosexuals and transensuals t are on the Trisquel forum?
A few hours ago someone ask how many men and woman are part of the Trisquel's community? But someone forgot to add the other genders.
Do you think Trisquel is equal to all genders?
So. I decided to post it only in the Trisquel's main forum. Even do I believe, it should be asked in the troll hole.
Let's see the answers. Of course, lets hear your input.
Even do I consider myself a trisquel user.
Why do these threads keep popping up? I'm all for gender equality, but this isn't the place.
They're just making fun of the original thread for even bringing this up. Rightly so, too; to care how many women are in the community is, frankly, sexist. Though at this point, all of these threads (and that includes the one on the Spanish forum, by the way) should be moved to the Troll Hole. ;)
Rightly so, too; to care how many women are in the community is, frankly, sexist.
I do not think so. To understand something, you need to observe it. For instance you cannot find that women are less paid than men for the same job (and potentially fight against this injustice) if you do not make per-sex income statistics.
That's a nonsense claim based on faulty statistics. In one study, when all full-time working men and all full-time working women were collected together and their earned income averaged out, it turned out that mean earned income of women was 77% of the mean earned income of men. No other factors were considered. For example:
- It didn't account for what work was done at all. Women tend to take jobs that pay less.
- It didn't account for hours worked. If person A works 40 hours while person B works 50 hours, person B is going to earn substantially more money, obviously. Men are more likely to work overtime than women, and women are more likely to take days off than men.
- It didn't account for people who work part-time. More women than men work part-time.
When all factors are taken into account, not only do the gender gaps shrink to the point of nearly disappearing, some of them go in the opposite direction. What little gaps remain can easily be accounted for by more subtle differences in how men and women behave, such as men having more of a predisposition to negotiate salaries. This is not an "injustice". It's just an inequity resulting from natural, biological differences between the sexes.
You can also completely debunk the idea that women earn substantially less than men for the same work with some common sense: if that's the case, why are men hired at all?
Just gathering statistics about the number of women in a community will only lead you to the same type of bogus conclusions. It is essential to pay attention to all factors. To see that a community is made up mostly of men and call "discrimination!" because of that single variable is spurious at best, and misleading at worst.
Just gathering statistics about the number of women in a community will only lead you to the same type of bogus conclusions. It is essential to pay attention to all factors.
I did not say otherwise (although some actors must be ignored because there are no two equal people). And it might be that all things being equal but the sex, salaries are the same. I actually do not know. My point is that observations must back up any argument. Including yours. I do not believe in "common sense".
If someone wants to help women liberate their computing (we want every user to be free, right?), it probably is a good idea to understand what drove the few women already in our community. To make observations. That is why I doubt the author of the first thread is sexist.
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We could get rid of them by putting up a demographics survey on the
web site, taking care that the data are anonymized. Having collected
these data, what would we do with them?
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We could get rid of them by putting up a demographics survey on the
web site, taking care that the data are anonymized. Having collected
these data, what would we do with them?
Version: GnuPG v1
Guys, now you are really overdoing it with your criticism of the initial "how many women?" thread. The initial thread might have contained a stupid question but unfortunately it was a legitimate one as women still are underrepresented in the IT industry worldwide. That's a fact and that is also true for ethnic minorities. I'm not saying (and neither did the OP) that we should discriminate against anyone. It was just a simple question out of interest without (I assume) any deeper thoughts behind it.
It really doesn't help too much if you now all pick on this topic and make fun of the OP as it is an important one which needs to be discussed seriously.
There are fewer women than men in IT. That's a fact. To say that this means women are "underrepresented" is not a "fact", it's a spurious conclusion which ignores the possibility that women might just not want to be in IT as much as men do. There are activities and industries dominated by women, too.
RMS was once asked something to the effect of whether or not he had ideas for getting more women to attend his talks. His response was that it doesn't really matter what gender those people are, and speculated that the lack of women might be because his talks were attracting technical people; perhaps, he said, something needed to be done to attract more non-technical people. I completely agree with this sentiment. Gender, ethic background, sexual orientation... none of this stuff matters.
I really doubt "women might just not want to be in IT as much as men do" given there's no actual reason for it, and historical precedent suggesting otherwise given women were the first programmers. In fact that line of reasoning is often use to avoid looking at the problems many industries face given the patriarchy we live in. In theory it shouldn't matter what someone's gender is, but in practice it does given the abuse, harassment and reinforcement of the privileged cis white male culture we have now.
More spurious conclusions and assertions. Really, if any part of our society is steering women away from IT, or any other field, it's gender studies courses that indoctrinate women with the belief that they're oppressed and can't possibly do what men do because of "the patriarchy".
Assuming that the first programmers were women, what does that prove? Absolutely nothing. There are female programmers today, too. There just aren't as many female programmers as male programmers. The first programmers being women is not at odds with this.
The claim that women are targets of "abuse" and "harassment" can be dismissed off-hand, because you don't qualify it. You might as well say that "it shouldn't matter what someone's religion is, but in practice it does given the abuse, harassment and reinforcement of the privileged atheist culture we have now".
I'm at a loss of words that you actually believe that nonsense. I hope you read more in to the problems we have in society in the future and change your thoughts on it.
Faith is the domain of religion. If you can't provide one shred of evidence for your claims about the world, they don't deserve to be taken seriously.
I should've made it clearer: I'm not here to debate, just to show readers that your posts aren't the consensus.
I love how you spelt the word "transexual" in the title.
Tee hee :P
I'm surprised to see these threads as there are a lot of Spanish users here and traditionally (due to Catholic backgrounds) they aren't welcome to LGBT communiities.
I'm from Spain and our laws (and society) are very concerned with LGBT rights. The self-sex marriage in Spain is one of the most, if not the most, advanced in the world. It includes the right of adoption, etc., on equal terms with a heterosexual couple.
The view of Spain as a very traditional and closed country is, fortunately, out of date.
Actually the original post was in the Spanish forum ->
I don't find the question per se sexist. I certainly can't speak for the comments it got in there.
Btw concepts like sexism, racism, etc make no sense at all to us, the cats, meh..
Maybe your cat, needs a dog to irritate him, all the time.
I got one of those street dogs, which I adopted since birth, in the shop, he guards the bay entrance and premises, from those not so "welcome cats" or intruders. He is well fed, bathe, vaccinated and taken care as a human being. Definitely, I prefer hes loyalty, before that sorry individual of a security guard, which hes company contract will not be renew. What I like the best from this dog is his mouthful of vicious canines teeth. Perfect tools of intimidation.
My maths teacher has a homosexual cat xD
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Greetings from one of the gay men of the Trisquel user community,
where I feel most welcome. Where possible I promote free software
among my associates who are gay, but that effort hasn't gone well yet;
they all have IThings.
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> But someone forgot to add the other genders
Homosexuality is not a gender. Also, I'm bi.