I will be using Trisquel 6 with Cinnamon

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Joined: 05/15/2011

Trisquel 6 is being released very soon (thank god) and I am curious if any of you have tried Cinnamon. I'm thinking with Trisquel 6 that I may make the switch over and the last few days I have been running it on an Ubuntu 12.04 box with success.

I really like that it has low memory consumption and brings back the classic desktop. I especially like that I can use my current Gnome programs whereas MATE required me to use forks (like Caja) and depended on the old GTK2 dependencies.

Since Cinnamon won't be a part of the Ubuntu repos until 13.04, I will have to get the latest Cinnamon from https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/cinnamon-stable to make it work with Trisquel.

Only problem is that there are no Trisquel Cinnamon themes out there yet. :-(

Joined: 05/30/2012

I like GNOME Shell, personally. Xfce if 3D isn't available. Maybe that fork of GNOME Fallback mentioned a while back (Consort) will turn into my 2D choice when it's available.


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Joined: 09/13/2012

Just installed Cinnamon and rather like it BUT is it 'free' software ?

Joined: 10/01/2012

Yes, it is under the GPL https://github.com/linuxmint/Cinnamon/blob/master/COPYING For some reason people seem to think that things produced by the mint team is not free software.

Joined: 05/13/2010

>For some reason people seem to think that things produced by the mint team is not free software.

They include proprietary software in the default install, so no wonder, It's always good to check.


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Joined: 04/23/2011

While I agree on the checking bit I believe this is a bit inaccurate or unclear in regards to Cinnamon.

Linux Mint developers produce only free software. The Linux Mint distribution includes third party non-free software though. There is an important distribution here. Linspire (under Lindows early on, they did release all the code in the end), Xandros, and other commercial distributions have not only included non-free software they also produced it.

Cinnamon itself shouldn't be a problem to include in Trisquel as far as I know. If there is a problem it is probably in some way linking to a repository which may included non-free software or possibly default setting connected to privacy related issue (more like Unity's Amazon problem). In a worst case scenario Trisquel could utilize Cinnamon as its desktop with a tweak or two.

Firefox has trademark issues and links to a repository which includes non-free software. This is most likely the closest comparison to any problem Cinnamon may or may not have. And obviously a patched up version of Firefox is included in Trisquel.


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I installed JUST the Cinnamon desktop and as far as I can tell that doesn't install any extra programs, for instance the default browser is still abrowser and there are no programs available other than the standard Trisquel 6 ones in the menu.

Joined: 05/15/2011

System resources wise, I still get better performance with MATE, but MATE is a fork of Gnome 2 and I am technically using older versions of Gnome applications that are name differently. For example, Eye of Mate instead of Eye of Gnome and Caja instead of Nautilus.

With Cinnamon, I am using the same Gnome 3 and GTK 3 apps from the Ubuntu repos that Ubuntu uses with some exceptions like the the Nemo file manager. Nemo is a fork of Nautilus that maintains the same features of version 3.2 before the Gnome team bastardized it in 3.4. They throw in some new features not in Nautilus and I personally prefer Nemo now.

Now the question is how hard it would be to bring over the Trisquel theme for Cinnamon.

Joined: 09/23/2010

One particular environment to watch out for is Consort from the SolusOS guy. It's basically a fork of gnome's fallback components but the goals are pretty good , like porting metacity to gtk3, real transparency in panel, old places and system menus in panel, and so on.


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I tried so many desktop environments recently and I believe I have finally found the right DE for my needs. Trisquel 6 w/ Cinnamon is just great!