Indicator Applet Complete quit unexpectedly

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Joined: 02/17/2016

Trisquel 8 indicator applet issue:

--Using mousescroll wheel to adjust sound over the volume indicator crashes the applet.

--Opening the applet and scrolling over the sound bar has no such issue.

I thought this happened on a live system only (DVD live session) but I had it happen on my Trisquel 8 installation.

Joined: 02/17/2016

See attached image.

Joined: 06/29/2013

I also have the same problem... report it to "Issues", it does not seem the the issue is exclusive to you ;-)

Joined: 02/17/2016

It doesn't crash on my Macbook Air. Funny. On my HP Probook, every time.

Joined: 06/29/2013

interesting, could you tell me if the notify-osd bubble appears when you scroll?

Joined: 02/17/2016

No bubble on the volume. Battery and date/calendar have bubbles. The same on both machines.


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> --Using mousescroll wheel to adjust sound over the volume indicator crashes
> the applet.

I can't reproduce this now, but I recall having a similar issue back when Trisquel 8 was in beta. I think I found that I could make small volume changes using the mouse wheel, but the indicator applet would crash if I tried to increase the volume past 100% or decrease it below 0%. Can you check to see if this is the case, or if using the mouse wheel at all causes the indicator applet to crash?

I tried to figure out the command for the indicator applet so that you could try killing it and running it from a terminal to see if you get a more helpful error message. Running 'killall mate-indicator-applet-complete" kills the sound applet plus a few other applets. However, there is no binary named mate-indicator-applet-complete with which to restart it. I'm not sure what the correct binary is.

There is a 'mate-volume-control-applet' binary that when run places a sound applet in the systray. It is a little different from the sound applet included in mate-inicator-applet-complete, but I'm interested to know if it too crashes when you use the mouse wheel over it.

Joined: 02/17/2016

The indicator-applet-complete thing crashes even if I rotate the cogwheel one cog at a time. It doesn't matter up or down, max or min. Crash and reload.

The other mate-volume-control-applet works fine, has a bubble and never crashes.

Joined: 02/17/2016

Reinstallation seems to have cured the hickup. The applet no longer crashes on my HP.