Installing newest Python on Trisquel 8?
Hi fellow Trisquel users,
In need of new Python, I downloaded the source tarball from [1] and read the readme.
At the moment I still have the Python 2.7 from Trisquel installed.
Before making a big mistake I would like to ask you what you would do next.
Thank you.
Python 3 is also available in Trisquel.
Yes, you're right, and I have both python and python3 packages installed.
Let's say I want to install Electrum, after having downloaded it.
sudo python3 -m pip install --user Electrum-3.3.6.tar.gz[fast]
then I get back (among other things):
Processing ./Electrum-3.3.0.tar.gz
Complete output from command python egg_info:
Error: Electrum requires Python version >= 3.6.1...
You're stuck with either looking for an older version of Electrum that will work with your version of Python or installing a new Python. Good luck.
There is this PPA:
Em 8 de julho de 2019 23:59:11 BRT, name at domain escreveu:
>There is this PPA:
I would probably avoid PPAs and point to .DEB files (as long as they don't change the repository list) unless there is a main page of the repository stating its commitment to the GNU FSDG.
As for the .DEB files, they can be found at see "Package files".
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I tried Electrum 3.0 [1], and that worked with the Python that comes with Trisquel.
Back to square 1.
Electrum doesn't allow me to transfer because that requires Electrum version 4.
1. Installing new Python
Source for this: (Step 4)
python3 -m pip install --user pyqt5
-> Successfully installed PyQt5-sip-4.19.18 pyqt5-5.13.0
2. Installation of Electrum from Python sources
Source for this:
Downloaded and untarred Electrum-4.0.0.tar.gz
In the electrum directory, I ran: 'python3 run_electrum'
-> File "run_electrum", line 53
sys.exit(f"Error: {str(e)}. Try 'sudo python3 -m pip install '")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Please help, thank you very much in advance.
Solved with installing the AppImage