Is installing trisquel worth it despite having hardware not supported by coreboot/coreboot forks?

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Joined: 11/03/2023

First off, nice to meet you all. I am wanting to use exclusively free software in my life to the greatest extend I can. I have a Dell Optiplex 3050 tower, and booting trisquel off USB seems to work perfectly, (ethernet, sound, and whatnot). However my hardware doesn't support coreboot/libreboot and the like.
So my question is, Is there any gain to be had from a privacy standpoint by using trisquel? Or it is all pointless due to a proprietary BIOS?

Joined: 12/29/2020

It's unlikely most people here has a machine that is compatible with Coreboot/GNUboot yet they still daily drive Trisquel. Having freedom respecting hardware requires to specifically pick and buy said hardware, and unfortunately that's not something everyone can do.

Get Trisquel installed on it, even if the board firmware is proprietary, the operating system doesn't have to be nonfree and restrictive.