Interested in Contributing to Trisquel's Free Software Development

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Joined: 10/10/2023

Dear Trisquel Forum Members,

Allow me to introduce myself as Aleff, an ardent advocate of free software. I am keen on actively participating in the development of free software for Trisquel and would appreciate some clarification on how to get started.

I've noticed that Trisquel is renowned for promoting exclusively free and open-source software, and I would love to be a part of this wonderful project. However, before diving in, I would like to know if there is a specific list of projects or software/extensions that the Trisquel community is interested in developing, or if individuals are free to contribute their own projects.

Furthermore, I would like to understand the procedure for submitting my work to the Trisquel team or the community for evaluation and potential integration. Are there any guidelines or a roadmap I could follow?

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to contribute to this project and hope you can guide me on the best way to start contributing effectively and meaningfully.

Thank you in advance for your response and support.

Warm regards,


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/15/2009

Welcome Aleff,
Feel free to join the development mailing list.

There are development meetings on Wednesdays at #trisquel-dev @ network and finally, you might like to open an account at the trisquel's gitlab instance used for the development.

There you might like to take a look at projects like,

Which will give you the largest picture on how the development is done.
Feel free to join the #trisquel-dev channel and ask around.


Joined: 05/14/2015

> I am keen on actively participating in the development of free software for Trisquel

That's great, welcome to the community!

> I've noticed that Trisquel is renowned for promoting exclusively free and open-source software

As others have noted, we prefer to use the phrase Free Software here (or in my case Free Code), rather than "Open Source". But yes, producing a distro that contains only Free Code is the core purpose of the Trisquel project.

> before diving in, I would like to know if there is a specific list of projects or software/extensions that the Trisquel community is interested in developing, or if individuals are free to contribute their own projects.

I'm not aware of any list of high priority projects maintained by the Trisquel community itself. But we overlap heavily with the communities supporting FSF, GNU Project, Free Software Directory, and LibrePlanet, each of which has their own priority projects lists (note: these may be under-maintained and this is another area where volunteer help is probably needed).

> I would like to understand the procedure for submitting my work to the Trisquel team or the community for evaluation and potential integration. Are there any guidelines or a roadmap I could follow?

Like all GNU/Linux distros, Trisquel is assembled from many hundreds (or thousands?) of Free Code packages, maintained by different people and groups. The basic procedure for getting a software package into Trisquel is to get it packaged for Debian, then included in an Ubuntu LTS (which form the basis for each Trisquel release). But you can also contribute by helping to;

* check Ubuntu LTS packages for freedom violations

* maintain the code that strips out non-free components to generate a working Trisquel version

* backport newer versions of user-facing apps for the currently-supported Trisquel releases (important for communications apps, especially those that support encryption)